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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Ford, Dawn CallisonA Comparison of High Pressure Liquid Chromatography and Microbiological Assays for Ceftazidime1983-06dissertation
2 Gonzalez, Edgar R.A comparison of plasma concentration arrhythmia response and electrocardiographic changes in patients requiring quinidine therapy1983-05dissertation
3 Reilly, Robert ThomasA Cost Comparison of Two Systems for the Intermittent Intravenous Administration of Small Volume Parenterals1984-06dissertation
4 McCollam, Patrick L.A Descriptive Analysis of the Immunosuppressive Regimens of the Utah Cardiac Transplant Program1988-03dissertation
5 Sajbel, Terrie A.A double-blind randomized comparative trial of butorphanol tartrate and morphine sulfate in the treatment of postoperative pain in geriatric patients1987-12dissertation
6 Hamill, Mary LouA phase 1 double-blind comparison of the safety and tolerance of eight percent arildone (win 30820) to the ninety percent DMSO/ten percent PEG-400 vehicle during and following seven day topical application to immunocompromised patients1983-05dissertation
7 A preliminary report of the pharmacokinetics and efficancy of cimetidine in maintaining gastric pH greater than six in patients following major thermal injury1980-03dissertation
8 Quan, Maureen P.A preliminary report on the pharmacokinetics of intravenous and intraperitoneal cefoxitin in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis1982-06dissertation
9 Bauwens, Steven F.A preliminary report on the use of methenamine salts and ascorbic acid in the catheterized spinal cord injured patient1980-05dissertation
10 Kumar, Manju TanejaA proposed alternate mechanism of action for theophylline1981-05dissertation
11 Burnakis, Thomas GeorgeA prospective comparison of the incidence of increased serum enzymes in patients receiving either beef lung or pork intestinal mucosal heparin1982-05dissertation
12 Huynh, LoanA survey of family practice physicians regarding referrals for diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) in type 2 diabetesDSMES; diabetes; management; support2023poster
13 Taylor, Cyndie L.Acute dose tolerance and pharmacokinetic study of BWA78U and placebo in normal male volunteers1987-08dissertation
14 Cheng, YanAdherence pattern, health care utilization, and virologic outcomes among treatment-naive veteran patients with human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 infection2017-08dissertation
15 Cunningham, Patrick JamesAn evaluation of the accuracy and cost effectiveness of a reflectance photometer for monitoring blood glucose concentration in the hospital setting1985-07dissertation
16 Roost, CharlotteAn evaluation of the pharmacokinetic safety and efficacy of ticarcillin/clavulanic acid in the treatment of bacterial infections in hospitalized elderly subjects1986-06dissertation
17 Pryka, Randy DominicAn evaluation of the safety and efficacy of aztreonam versus azlocillin plus tobramycin in the treatment of pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis patients1987-08dissertation
18 Deka, RishirajBenzodiazepines, health services utilization, and suicide in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorderPublic health; Epidemiology2017dissertation
19 Ranno, Anthony EdwardBioavailability of constatnt-T and theo-dur, two sustained-release theophylline products, in geriatric patients1984-11dissertation
20 Winslow, Roger DouglassBreakeven analysis of a proposed pharmacy discharge prescription medication reconciliation programDrug utilization; Medication error2009-12-16thesis
21 Kuo, Kuan-LingCharacteristics and optimal combination pharmacotherapy for newly-treated patients with diabetic painful neuropathy2015-12dissertation
22 Illsley, Steven S.Clinical evaluation of a new small volume infusion system in surgical intensive care patients1982-06dissertation
23 Biltaji, EmanClinical utility of multigene versus single gene genomic profiling in metastatic colorectal cancerClinical Utility; Colorectal cancer; Comparative Effectiveness Research; Genetic testing; Pharmacogenetics; Precision medicine2016dissertation
24 Klieman, Rachel L.Comparative analysis of plasma concentrations in once-a-day versus twice-a-day digoxin regimen in pediatric patients1983-10dissertation
25 McCollam, ArleneComparative double blind study of the safety and efficacy of nitrendipine 5, 10, and 20 mg qd vs placebo in hypertensive patients1986-08dissertation
26 Krol, Thomas FrancisComparison of laboratory and clinical response in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with chrysotherapy1986-06dissertation
27 Relling, Mary VioletComparison of the predictive utility of two methods of dosing tobramycin in cystic fibrosis patients1985-05dissertation
28 Mead, Robert ArthurCorrelation between capillary and arterial serum gentamicin concentrations in neonates1983-05dissertation
29 Bong, Johanna EthelCost comparison of ceftriaxone and cefuroxime to amplicillin and cholramphenicol in the treatment of pediatric meningitis1987-12dissertation
30 Raimundo, Karina PupioCost effectiveness of liposomal doxorubicin versus paclitaxel for the treatment of ddvanced AIDS-Related Kaposis Sarcoma2011-12thesis
31 McRorie, Teresa IsabelleCumulative ototoxicity of aminoglycosides in cystic fibrosis patients: an evaluation by high frequency audiometry1987-06dissertation
32 Olson, Ann TonaDevelopment of a monocyte microassay to measure Fc-dependent clearance of erythrocytes1987-06dissertation
33 Wilson, John R.Digitalis glycoside serum assay utilization and interpretation1979-03dissertation
34 Iyer, Asha KrishnarajDrug information seeking-behavior among healthcare professionals within the University of Utah Community ClinicsInformation science; Health care management2011-05thesis
35 Zhou, MiEconomic evaluation of 21-Gene assay for early stage breast cancer patients from the perspective of the Chinese health care system2012-08thesis
36 Mailhot, ClaudeThe effect of cimetidine on serum concentrations of piroxicam1985-05dissertation
37 Klumpe, David BrianThe effect of diflunisal administration on the pharmacokinetics and metabolic fate of acetaminophen in man1987-06dissertation
38 Lee, SooheeEffect of immobilized prostaglandins on platelet functionPharmacology1985-12dissertation
39 Pribble, John PatrickThe effect of metyrapone on the elimination kinetics and metabolic fate of acetaminophen in man1985-12dissertation
40 Rando, JaniceThe effect of phenytoin on the dispositon of disopyramide1984-06dissertation
41 Boyce, Eric GlennThe effect of rifampin on theophylline pharmacokinetic parameters (following intravenous aminophylline) in normal volunteers1984-08dissertation
42 Perkins, Dwight KeithEffects of a drug utilization review on prescribing antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean deliveries1984-07dissertation
43 Felice-Johnson, JuneThe effects of oral erythromycin on serum concentrations of theophylline in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease1981-04dissertation
44 Davis, Anne GarrettEfficacy of once daily dosing with phenobarbital in children with seizure disordersPhenobarbital - Research; Pharmocokinetics; Half-Life; Epilepsy; Drug Therapy - dose response relationship; Osmolar Concentration1980-03dissertation
45 Huckendubler, Susan ElizabethEvaluation of controlled intravenous infusions of aminoglycoside antibiotics in outpatients with cystic fibrosis1983-06dissertation
46 Alwan, Michael A.Evaluation of pharmacist work activities before and after implementation of computerized provider order entryPharmacy sciences2010-12thesis
47 Ponte, Charles DennisEvaluation of the effectiveness of pharmacist medication counseling on drug knowledge of hospitalized patients1980-03dissertation
48 Knigge, Katia Pei-Wei TungGeneral model for calculation of drug therapy costsMedical care, Cost of - United States; Drugs - United States - Costs1987-06thesis
49 Lennon, Thomas PatrickThe identification of criteria which may promote consistent documentation of clinical pharmacy activities1985-05dissertation
50 Tasic, DusicaThe impact of oral antidiabetics on weight in the elderly with ype 2 Diabetes mellitus in the ambulatory setting2012-05thesis
51 Ma, JunjieThe impact of time-dependent BIAS on the evaluation of inpatient cost and length of stay in hospital-associated venous thromboembolism among arthroplasty patients2019dissertation
52 Allen, Jill ElizabethThe in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin aztreonam and nine other antipseudomonal antibiotics for pseudomonas aeruginosa from cystic fibrosis patients1987-06dissertation
53 Maesner, Jon EdwardThe influence of age on the pharmacokinetics of butorphanol1986-06dissertation
54 Bannan, Douha FouadInjectable chemotherapy drugs on short supply: relevance of changes in suppliers and pricing in predicting shortages2013-05thesis
55 Jiao, TianzeInvestigation of the optimal timing of treatment change to maximize the delay of onset mucoid pseudomonas aeruginosa pulmonary infection in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis PatientsPharmaceutical sciences; Epidemiology; Biostatistics2017dissertation
56 Comstock, Thomas, J.Iontophoresis of lidocaine for topical anesthesia1979-08dissertation
57 Dees, Debra NemethMeasured creatinine clearance compared to calculated creatinine clearance in hospitalized elderly males1984-06dissertation
58 Alexander, Jr., Donald PageNafcillin-induced platelet dysfunction1981-05dissertation
59 Wang, WeijiaOutcomes evaluatiuon of statin treatment in primary prevention for cardiovascular disease with time-dependent LDI-C goal attainmentBiostatistics; Pharmacy sciences; Epidemiology2017thesis
60 Stock, Christopher JohnOutcomes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis initiated on chrysotherapy or D-penicillamine1985-06dissertation
61 Duke, Melissa SkeltonPatient attitudes and expectations of pharmacist-provided clinical services in clinic-based community pharmacies2010-12thesis
62 Gross, Mary ElizabethPenetration of cefoperazone into the ventricular fluid in patients with non-inflamed meninges1982-06dissertation
63 Townsend, Paula LynnPharmacokinetics and dosage adjustment of netilmicin in patients with cystic fibrosis1984-06dissertation
64 Millar, Patsy ElizabethThe pharmacokinetics of cefoperazone in premature infants1981-05dissertation
65 Tyler, Linda StoneThe pharmacokinetics of moxalactam in renal failure patients1981-03dissertation
66 Matyunas, Nancy JoThe pharmacokinetics of pirmenol during short term oral dosingPiperidines - Research; Anti-Arrhythmai Agents; Pharmacokinetics; Cardiac Electrophysiology - Treatment; Hemodynamics1983-06dissertation
67 Thompson, Marietta Ione BunnPiperacillin pharmacokinetics in patients with chronic renal failurePiperacillin - Research; Clinical trials, Phase III as topic; Kidney Failure, Chronic - Treatment; Renal Elimination; Osmolar Concentration1980-03dissertation
68 Cantu, Thomas GerardPrescribing of neuroleptics for geriatric nursing home patients: a focus on indications and dosing1987-04dissertation
69 Foster, Dianne ElizabethThe Prevalence of Asymtomatic Bacteriuria in Women with Pregnancy-Induced HypertensionSymptomatic urinary infection - Research; Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced1988-05dissertation
70 Sommi, Roger William Jr.Psychiatric patients' medication beliefs, knowledge, and the change that occurs after exposure to a medication education programMental disorders - Research; Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice; Mentally Ill Person; Medication Adherence1985-06dissertation
71 Singhal, MukulRole of glycemic control in development of atrial fibrillation in veterans with Type 2 diabetes mellitusPharmacy sciences; Public health; Military studies2016-12dissertation
72 Darrington, Richard ToddRole of self-association and intramolecular catalysis in the chemical stability of human insulin at low pHTherapeutic Use1993-12dissertation
73 Benson, John MerlinThe study of a new antibiotic aztreonam in the treatment of pulmonary exacertations in cystic fibrosis patients1986-06dissertation
74 Porter, Loril KentStudy of a patient drug profile system in hospital pharmacyHospital pharmacies; Drugs - Dosage1971-08thesis
75 Bender, John F.Therapy of malignant pleural effusion tetracycline vs tetracycline/lidocaine1981-03dissertation
76 Oki, Julie C.Twice daily dosing of diltiazem in the treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension1986-06dissertation
77 Moran, Donald MartinThe use of an antihistamine-decongestant in conjunction with an antinfective in treating acute otitis media1980-12dissertation
78 Holak, Elena J.Utilization of serum theophylline concentration determinations1982-08dissertation
79 Jarvis, Ellen FassmannVolume of ipecac-induced emesis as a function of the volume of fluids administered1985-03dissertation
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