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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Daniel Yongwon LeeCell surface engineering and its applications in cancer therapyCellular biology; Biomedical engineering; Pharmaceutical sciences2017dissertation
2 Kim, Sun JinDevelopment of fluorescent and luminescent probes to investigate biointerfaces in Breast Cancer2019dissertation
3 Ye, ZhenDevelopment of safe and effective magnetic resonance contrast agents for blood pool imaging and cancer diagnosis2016-05dissertation
4 Wang, PengImmune-tolerant elastin-like polypeptide (ITEP) for delivering cancer immunotherapy2019dissertation
5 Zhao, PengImmune-tolerant elastin-like polypeptide-delivered chemotherapeturics and immunotherapeutics for treatment of cancer2018dissertation
6 Yazdimamaghani, MostafaImpact of silica nanoparticle design of sedimentation, cellular uptake, cytotoxicity, and gene expression2018dissertation
7 Bruno, Benjamin JamesModified coiled-coil proteins for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemiaPharmaceutical sciences; Physiology2017dissertation
8 Linakis, Matthew WiliiamNeonatal drug delivery and disposition: towards improving care for the youngest patientsPharmacology; Pharmaceutical sciences2018dissertation
9 Moghaddam, Seyyed Pouya HadipourPolysulfide-based biodegradable silica nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and biological fate2019dissertation
10 Falconer, Jonathan LeslieTranslocation of silver through epithelial cell barriersPharmaceutical sciences2017dissertation
11 Diekjürgen, Dorina Eva LisaValidating an ex vivo 3D kidney proximal tubule model for drug-induced nephrotoxicity screening2017-08dissertation
12 Almomen, AliyahWorking towards an optimized therapy for abnormal endometrial proliferation: treatment approaches and disease modeling2016-08dissertation
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