51 - 75 of 318
Number of results to display per page
51 Clinical laboratory utility of Mass Cytometryir_etdText
52 Cloning and characterization of an iron-uptake ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter of Bartonella henselaeir_etdText
53 Cloning of the E1M gene of human papillomavirus type 16 and production of an antibody to the E1M proteinir_etdText
54 Comparative studies of cellular resistance to Candida albicans infections in miceir_etdText
55 Comparison of 5 noncoding region primer sets in the detection of hepatitis C virus using reverse transcription polymerase chain reactionir_etdText
56 Comparison of laboratory tests for assessing fetal maturityir_etdText
57 Comparison of manual and automated cell counts in the diagnosis of pediatric appendicitisir_etdText
58 Comparison of the biochemical and oxidative reactions of aureomycin-resistant and aureomycin-sensitive strains of micrococcus pyogenes var. aureusir_etdText
59 Comparison of three methods of detection for group a strep pharyngitis: Illumigene® Group A Streptococcus DNA amplification assay, OSOM® Ultra Strep A Test, and routine bacteriologic cultureir_etdText
60 Concentration and purification studies of western equine encephalitis virus.ir_etdText
61 Concentration of acid-fast bacilli with water-insoluble liquidsir_etdText
62 Consequences of MU opioid receptor agonism on tyrosine Kinase inhibitor activity in PH+ Chronic Myelogenous Leukemiair_etdText
63 Continuous monitoring of the polymerase chain reaction for hepatitis B virus: detection and quantitationir_etdText
64 Contribution of glial cells to pathology of coronavirus induced demyelinationir_etdText
65 The control of expression of the mouse Crry and Cr2 complement receptor genesir_etdText
66 Convergent suppression as a mechanism for persistence of hepatitis C virus in a human in vitro systemir_etdText
67 CXCL1/CXCR2 signaling axis and disease progression in Pre-clinical animal models of multiple sclerosisir_etdText
68 CXXC5 affects cell cycle of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and differentiation of myeloid cellsir_etdText
69 Cytokine signaling in endothelial cellsir_etdText
70 Defining stress resistance and persistence properties of uropathogenic E. Coliir_etdText
71 Defining the interplay between bacterial pore-forming toxins and host proteasesir_etdText
72 Defining the multigenic basis of extraintestinal pathogenic E. Coli fitness and virulenceir_etdText
73 Defining the regulation of transitional B cell development and the expression of late transitional stage marker genes CD21 and CD23 by transcription factor networks and baff signalingir_etdText
74 Defining the role of T cell dependent shaping of the microbiota to prevent dysbiosis and diseaseir_etdText
75 Design and validation of a clinical molecular assay for tropheryma whippleiir_etdText
51 - 75 of 318