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1 Edible Campus Gardens University of Utah Facility StudyVCBO ArchitectureFor Sustainability U. A planning document for U of U edible campus gardens under the umbrella of the U of U Sustainability Office.2018
2 Green living guideThe University of Utah is proud to be a leader in sustainability. The Wasatch Mountains are a constant reminder that we should all be good environmental stewards. If everyone does a little, we can achieve a lot! The University of Utah signed the American College and University President's Climate Co...2016-08
3 Making the Transition to Sustainable Operations at the University of Utah: A Framework for Closing the Performance GapAshurt, JosephIdentify existing gaps2019
4 Pioneer Garden 2040 Master PlanEdible Campus GardensThe purpose of this document is to provide the University of Utah's Office of Sustainability; with a comprehensive 21-year vision for the future space of the Pioneer Garden. It will; serve as an implementation timeline to aid in the continued development of the Edible; Campus Gardens.2019
5 Sustainability Office Equity ReviewUniversity of Utah Sustainability OfficeSustainability office equity commitments2020
6 Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund Annual Report Fall 2015 - Spring 2016University of Utah Sustainability OfficeThe Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund (SCIF); oversees competitive grants for student projects; focused on sustainability education, environmental; issues, energy efficiency, and more at the University; of Utah. SCIF's mission is to provide funding for realworld projects that improve the U's enviro...2016
7 University of Utah Climate Resilience Assessment MatrixBrunvand, Amy2021
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