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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Maiocco, Gina MarieDecision-making process nurses use to provide cultural care: a grounded theory research approachUnited States; Human Rights1999-08dissertation
2 Chien, Hsiu-ChuanPostnatal growth patterns of parenterally fed very-low-birth-weight infantsUniversity of Utah; Primary Children's Hospital; Low Birth Weight1997-12thesis
3 Yang, RumeiFear of falling in older adults and corresponding fears in family caregivers: an exploratory mixed-method study2019dissertation
4 Himes, Deborah O.Addressing Breast Cancer Risk for Women in Families with Indeterminate Negative BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genetic Test ResultsGenetics; medicine; nursing2014-08dissertation
5 Hellem, Tracy LynnOpen label trial of creatine as a treatment option for methamphetamine using females2015-05dissertation
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