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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Dent, Catherine GraceAssessing the use of the arcs© knowledgebase system with masters and doctoral nursing studentsEducation, Nursing, Graduate; Software2001-12thesis
2 Rae, Lonieda E. EskelsonAxillary and rectal temperatures in females of varying agePhysiology; Pediatric Nursing1974-06thesis
3 Darlington, Ann Elizabeth; Lloyd, Thomas WalterPostpartum hemorrhage and its relationship to anemia and oxytocin stimulation among Navajo womenChildbirth; Navajo Indians; Mothers; Hemorrhage1981-06thesis
4 Wagner, Debra LynnAttitudes and beliefs of expectant women toward participation in rooming-inObject Attachment; Postnatal Care; Rooming-in Care1990-08thesis
5 Phillips, Terry LThe Effectiveness of an intra-aortic balloon review class for nurses.Nursing; Critical Care1986-06thesis
6 Nilson-Taylor, Diana GailPersonal death preparations of health professionals.Attitude to Death; Professional-Patient Relations1987-03thesis
7 Crow, Georgia KarineToward a theory of therapeutic syncretism: the Southeast Asian experience : a study of the Cambodians' use of traditional and cosmopolitan health systemsNursing; United States; Cambodia; Methods; Chinese Traditional Medicine; Indigenous Health Services1988-08dissertation
8 Donohue, Rebecca BordelonUse of evidence-based practice by outpatient oncology nurses in the management of cancer-related pain and fatigueCancer-related fatigue; Cancer-related pain; Evidence-based practice; Nursing; Oncology; Outpatient2012-12dissertation
9 Hill, Brent D.Automated pictograph enhancement of discharge instructions: impact on recall and satisfaction2014-12dissertation
10 Bloom, Rosaleen DugganPatients' and caregivers' experience of social support on caringbridgeNursing; Web Studies; Oncology2017dissertation
11 Iribarren, SarahEvaluation of a text messaging intervention for patients with tuberculosis in ArgentinaNursing; Public health2013dissertation
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