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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Remigio, Gregory J.The neurophysiology and behavioral pharmacology of memory enhancement and memory deficits in the dentate gyrus5-HT6; Cognition; Dentate gyrus; Electrophysiology; Memory2017dissertation
2 Epstein, Daniel JonathanAn investigation of masked facial affect in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder using electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imagingNeurosciences; clinical psychology; military studies2017dissertation
3 Briona, Lisa KristineRegulation of a multipotent spinal cord progenitor population2014-12dissertation
4 Cahoon, Judd MichaelPreventing and reversing blindness: COMP-ANG1 and endothelial progenitor cells as a novel therapeutic approach in diabetic retinopathy2015-08dissertation
5 Xing, LingyanCellular and molecular analysis of axon development in zebrafish2015-12dissertation
6 Law, Mei YeeOptic tract formation: retinal axons' interaction with their pioneers and peers, and a strategy to analyze variants of guidance receptor messengers RNAs2011-12dissertation
7 Umpierre, Anthony DavidMGLUR5 Re-emergence on the reactive astrocyte: structural and functional consequences in an Animal model of temporal lobe epilepsyNeurosciences; Pharmacology2018dissertation
8 Anderson, Sarah RoseEstablishing microglial funcation and phenotype in the developing retina: looking through a new lens to untavel disease mechanisms2018dissertation
9 Huang, Wei-ChaoNovel nongenetic allele-specific expression in the mammalian brain2017dissertation
10 Ryskamp, Daniel AaronPolymodal sensation in the visual system: implications for retinal function and disease2014-12dissertation
11 Johri, ShailiLipids, membranes, and neurogenesis: A developmental continuum2015-05dissertation
12 King, Jace BradfordSustained connectivity: A new method that explores the temporal domain of functional connectivity and its implications for Autism research2018dissertation
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