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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Friend, Danielle M.Mechanisms of methamphetamine-induced dopamine terminal degeneration2013-08dissertation
2 Law, Mei YeeOptic tract formation: retinal axons' interaction with their pioneers and peers, and a strategy to analyze variants of guidance receptor messengers RNAs2011-12dissertation
3 Xu, HuiCone opsins in retinal function and degeneration2019dissertation
4 Constantine, Ryan NicholasBiochemical and structural studies of UNC119 and PrBP/δ: two-lipid binding proteins necessary for protein transport in photoreceptor cellsPhotoreceptor Cells; Retina; Protein Prenylation; Acylation; Transducin; Rhodospin; Protein Binding; Carrier Proteins2012-08dissertation
5 Martin, Elizabeth AnneThe role of Kirrel3 in hippocampal mossy fiber synapse developmentMolecular biology; Neurosciences2018dissertation
6 Chu, Pei-WenMethamphetamine, the vesicular monoamine transporter-2, the dopamine trasporter and neurotoxicityVesicular monoamine transporter-2; Dopamine transporter; VMAT-2; DAT; Striatal dopaminergic deficits2010-08dissertation
7 Pastuzyn, Elissa D.Striatal learning and memory after methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity and subsequent restoration of striatal functionNeurosciences; Pharmacology; Physiological psychology2014dissertation
8 Cahoon, Judd MichaelPreventing and reversing blindness: COMP-ANG1 and endothelial progenitor cells as a novel therapeutic approach in diabetic retinopathy2015-08dissertation
9 Ryskamp, Daniel AaronPolymodal sensation in the visual system: implications for retinal function and disease2014-12dissertation
10 Cameron, D. Joshua.Functional and genetic studies in the macular degeneration genes ELOVL4 and HTRA1.Mice; Electrophysiology2007-08dissertation
11 Pfeiffer, Rebecca LynnePersistent remodeling and neurodegeneration in late-stage retinal degenerationNeurosciences; Ophthalmology2017dissertation
12 Mencio, Caitlin PaigeInvestigating the role of glycosaminoglycans in the development and production of birdsong2014-12dissertation
13 Zukor, Katherine A.Newt limb and spinal cord regeneration2010-12dissertation
14 Han, Pengcheng.A-type potassium current in adult mouse olfactory receptor neurons.Mice; Channel Blockers2005-12dissertation
15 Gaynes, John AnthonyLocal translation during axon guidance in the zebrafish retinotectal system2014-12dissertation
16 Romero-Carvajal, Marco AndresRegeneration of sensory hair cells and progenitor self-renewal require localized interactions between the Notch and Wnt signaling pathways2015-08dissertation
17 Hasenoehrl, Meredith GibbonsA novel optogenetic tool to image calcium in the tripartite synapse during epileptogenesisNeurosciences2018-05dissertation
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