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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Robertson, Charles RayPeptide-based therapeutics: engineering galanin for systemic anticonvulsant and anagesic activity2012-05dissertation
2 Green, Brad ReedEngineering systemically bioavailable analogs of endogenous neuropeptidesNeurosciences; Biochemistry; Pharmacy sciences2010-12thesis
3 Bi, YilingApplications of computational tools and biochemical approaches in elucidating biogenesis of antithrombin III binding heparan sulfate structures, defining Xyloside-mediated glycosaminoglycan priming activity, and discovering drugs to treat human N-Glycanase 1 (NGLYI) deficiencyGlycosaminoglycan; N-glycanase 1; xyloside2019dissertation
4 Brown, Spencer JuddMethods for the production of heparan sulfate structure libraries and their applications2020dissertation
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