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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Tran, Tho DinhA Framework for evaluating the potential of renewable power generation systems under techno-economic uncertaintiesEnergy2018dissertation
2 Beeman, Michael GDesign and evaluation of an advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage system at the Michigan-Utah mineAdiabatic; Advanced; Air; Compressed; Energy; Storage2010thesis
3 Marin, Gerard CortinaLarge-eddy simulations of wind farms under different atmospheric stratification conditionsEnergy; Sustainability; Engineering2018dissertation
4 Peck, Jaron JoshuaModeling power plant cooling water requirements: a regional analysis of the energy-water nexus considering renewable sources within the power generation mixCooling; Energy; Plant; Power; Renewable; Water2017thesis
5 West, Glen OrvalThermal and phase-change wave propagation and velocities subject to shrinking core phenomena for melting and freezing packed-beds of encapsulated phase-change materialsMechanical engineering; Thermodynamics; Energy2017dissertation
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