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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Elich, HallieA fluid-structure interaction model of pumping in a chain of lymphangions2021dissertation
2 Miles, Christopher EdwardA hop, switch, and jump: stochasticity in models of motor-mediated intracellular transportMathematics; biology; biophysics2018dissertation
3 Romanov, AnnaA kazhdan-lusztig algorithm for whittaker modulesMathematics; Polynomials2018dissertation
4 A mathematical model of translational regulation by the integrated stress response2018dissertation
5 Viertel, Ryan DonaldA model of the external tufted cell and cross fields: analysis, computation, applications2019dissertation
6 Su, WeicongA stochastic model for solar flares: on the peaks of a stochastic heat equation on a sphere with a large radius2019dissertation
7 Choi, Sung ChanAnalysis of spatial parrondo games with spatially dependent game A2017dissertation
8 Brown, AdamArakawa-Suzuki functors for whittaker modules2019dissertation
9 Carvajal-Rojas, Javier A.Arithmetic aspects of strong F-Regularity2018dissertation
10 Wang, YuanBirational geometry of irregular varieties in zero and positive characteristicPure sciences; Birational geometry; Irregular varieties; Zero and positive characteristic2017dissertation
11 Farre, JamesBounded cohomology of finitely generated kleinian groups2019dissertation
12 Zhu, HanleiChange point detection in heteroscedastic functional time series2019dissertation
13 Miller, CurtisChange point inference with renyi-type statistics2020dissertation
14 Li, Shiu-tangComparison Principles for parabolic stochastic partial differential equationsmoment comparison principles; Riesz kernel; spatially homogeneous noise; stochastic heat equations2017dissertation
15 Steffen, Kyle R.The difference potentials method for problems with evolving geometry and modeling fluid flow in Sea IceMathematics; Applied mathematics; Geophysics2018dissertation
16 Hull, John J.Differential-Graded aspects of local cohomology and cossuport for group-graded triangulated categories2019dissertation
17 Brooks, HeatherDynamics and structure: from microtubule networks to population networksApplied mathematics; Differential equations; Mathematical models; Biophysics2018dissertation
18 Goller, ThomasEnumerative geometry of quot schemesalgebraic geometry; enumerative geometry; multiple point formula; Quot scheme; strange duality; topological quantum field theory2017dissertation
19 Handy, GregoryFrom particile diffusion to neuronal networks: a multi-scale study of the astrocytes' role in the brain2019dissertation
20 Filipazzi, StefanoGeneralized pairs in birational geometry2019dissertation
21 Wigglesworth, DerrickGeometry of Out(Fn) through completely split train tracksMathematics2018dissertation
22 Fan, HongluGromov-witten theory of projective bundlesChern class; Gromov-Witten theory; projective bundle2017dissertation
23 Fu, ErjuanLefschetz pencils and nets for hyperplance sections of a complex projective surface2019dissertation
24 Kenkel, JenniferLocal cohomology of thickenings2019dissertation
25 Wei, ChuanhaoLogarithmic kodaira dimension and zeros of holomorphic Log-One-FormsMathematics2018dissertation
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