26 - 50 of 66
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26 Ichnology, mineralogy, and paleoenvironmental implications of the verdine and glaucony facies in sedimentary rocksir_etdText
27 Image focusing and data compression in the solution of geophysical inverse problemsir_etdText
28 Imaging the mantle structure of the earth and moon from array based observationsir_etdText
29 Interpretation of earthscope magnetotelluric data for Northwestern United Statesir_etdText
30 Interpretation of induced polarization and resistivity datair_etdText
31 Interpreting sedimentary processes and geomechanical trends in heterogeneous mudstoneir_etdText
32 Joint analysis of the surface and borehole gravity and gravity gradiometry data for hydrocabrbon (HC) reservoir monitoring and carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestrationir_etdText
33 Joint inversion of geophysical data using multinary transformation and gramian constraintsir_etdText
34 Joint inversion of potential field and electromagnetic data using gramian constraintsir_etdText
35 Laminated soil carbonate rinds as a high resolution paleoclimate and paleoecologic proxy recordir_etdText
36 Late pleistocene and early holocene glacier and climate change in the wasatch mountains of Utahir_etdText
37 Least squares datuming and surface waves prediction with interferometryir_etdText
38 Meta-Analytic approaches to learn about hydroclimatic processes and change from stable isotopesir_etdText
39 Mio-Pliocene geology of the Southern Puna Plateau Margin, Argentinair_etdText
40 Modeling of Electric and Electromagnetic Datair_etdText
41 Multisource crosstalk reduction and plane-wave least-squares kirchhoff migrationir_etdText
42 Multisource least-squares migration and prism wave reverse time migrationir_etdText
43 The Needles Range Formation in Southwestern Utah: paleomagnetism and stratigraphic correlationir_etdText
44 The paleoecology of extinct crocodylomorphs and their resilience to Mass extingctionsir_etdText
45 Paleozoic-cenozoic evolution of the East Gobi Fault Zone, Southern Mongolia: a protracted record of intracontinental deformation and basin evolution, with implications for tectonics in Eurasiair_etdText
46 Predictive models for strontium isotope distributions in bedrock, water and environmental materials for regional provenance studiesir_etdText
47 Refining geoanalytical data with inverse theoryir_etdText
48 Regional correlation of diagenetic coloration facies and analysis of iron oxide cementation processes, Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southwestern Utahir_etdText
49 Sedimentology and sulfur isotope geochemistry of Green River Formation (Eocene), Uinta Easin, Utah Piceance Creek Basin, Coloradoir_etdText
50 Seismicity and tomographic imaging of the yellowstone crustal magmatic-tectonic systemir_etdText
26 - 50 of 66