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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Prince, Donald GailUtah coal industry: a study in economic geographyCoal trade, Utahthesis
2 Freeman, Michael LawrenceFlow reversal events and statistical modeling of flow dynamics of hypersaline water across a constructed causeway, Great Salt Lake, Utah, USAflow reversals; generalized additive model; Great Salt Lake; hydrodynamics; statistical modeling2014-08thesis
3 Carter, Vachel AshleyA paleoecological fire and vegetation history in Southeastern WyomingFire; Paleoecology; Vegetation; Wyoming2010-08thesis
4 Baskin, Robert LeRoyOccurrence and spatial distribution of microbial bioherms in Great Salt Lake, UtahDistribution; Great Salt Lake; Microbial bioherm; Microbialite; Stromatolite; Thrombolite2014-12dissertation
5 Nishizawa, ShizuoBonneville lake basin shoreline records of large lake and abrupt climate change eventsAbrupt climate change events; Lake Bonneville; Lake surface area; Monsoons; Shoreline records2010-07dissertation
6 Miller, Sandra TremblaySpatial modeling of wildland fire ignition potential in Utah2019thesis
7 Smith, Kathryn LDeveloping emergency preparedness indices for local governmentsEmergency; Index; Preparedness2010thesis
8 Jin, ZhenyuMapping and spatial-temporal modeling of Bromus tectorum invasion in Central UtahCheatgrass; NDVI time-series; Remote sensing; Spatial-temporal modeling; Utah; Bromus tectorum2011-11dissertation
9 Fuhriman, ChristopherReimagined territory: a new theory of terrorist geographiesGeography2017dissertation
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