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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Pace, Julia G.Milk lines: tainted headwaters of heritageBreast milk; Breasts; Chemicals; Contaminants; Lineage; Mothers2013-08thesis
2 Beckwith, Carissa MarieEncountering the more-than-human in urban fantasy literatureEcocriticism; Enchantment; Fantasy Literature; More-Than-Human; Sense of Place; Urban Fantasy; Literature; Environmental Studies2016thesis
3 Storm, StinneAn elegy on species obituariesbilingual prose; climate change; environmental humanities; indigenous storytelling; poetry; the sixth extinction2015thesis
4 Holland, AlisonExploring the Edge: searching for wilderness in Desolation and Gray CanyonsDesolation Canyon; Gray Canyon; Wilderness2013-08thesis
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