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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Wall, Spencer KennethMapping milton's multiverse: paradise lost and the poetics of creationChaos; Cosmology; John Milton; Paradise Lost; Renaissance epic2015-05dissertation
2 Cromwell, Benjamin Paul BurkeTouch: making contact with climate changeChange; Climate; Global warming; Kiribati; Narrative; Personal2011-08thesis
3 Farnsworth, Florence LottCarlyle and Emerson and their philosophy of lifeCarlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881; Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882; Philosophy1909-06-02thesis
4 Plummer, Charles ThomasThe cartographer's chronicles: book IFantasy; Fiction; Immortality; Magic; Medieval; Swords2014-05thesis
5 Ross, AndrewMemoryscapes: American art and the tension of timeCole; McCarthy2011-08thesis
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