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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Gupta, UditaManaging cognitive load during complex learning: a study on worked examples and element interactivityMathematics education; Education; Educational psychology; Psychology; Cognitive psychology2017dissertation
2 Howard, BrittainiAn examination of the effects of the strong start pre-kindergarten program on the behaviors of children with externalizing behavior disorders in a therapeutic preschoolBehavior; preschool; social emotional learning; social skills; strong kids; strong start2014-12dissertation
3 Hu, QinAn examination of college career counselor self-efficacy in working with international students and its relationship with multicultural counseling competenceCareer Counseling; career counselor multicultural competence; career counselor self-efficacy; international students2017dissertation
4 Hickam, Summer LynneExamining predictors for college-going among first-generation high school studentsCounseling psychology; Secondary education2018dissertation
5 Turnidge-halvorson, NicoleInformant discrepancies in youth-witnessed violence: predictors and outcomescaregiver trauma history; informant discrepancies; polynomial regression; youth trauma; youth witnessed violence2017dissertation
6 Guthmiller, Mark L.Identifying factors predicting the math computation and math reasoning peformance levels of Latino elementary school students2010-05dissertation
7 Averill, Lynnette AstridThe influence of measurement context on veterans' consistency in reporting posttraumatic stress disorder and postconcussive symptomsAssessment; Polytrauma; Postconcussive symptoms; Posttraumatic stress disorder; Traumatic brain injury; Veterans2013-08dissertation
8 Chiang, Mei-TzuHow does preservice teachers' learning about learning theories influence their beliefs about learning?Beliefs about learning; Educational Psychology; course; Learning theories course; Preservice teachers' beliefs; Preservice teachers' learning2010-12dissertation
9 Patnaik, PoojaOcular-motor methods for detecting deception: effects of practice feedback and blockingDeception detection; Eye tracking; Ocular-motor2015-12dissertation
10 Juretic, Meghan AnnPredictors of attrition in older users of a home-based monitoring and health information delivery systemAging; Telehealth; Veteran2010dissertation
11 Hodson, Jeffrey LMeasuring cognitive load: a meta-analysis of load measurement sensitivitycognitive load; education; instructional design; multimedia; technology2016thesis
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