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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Artman, Salvia EstellaOut in nature: queer environmental identities2019dissertation
2 Wilson, Tonia J.Predicting the ACT reading test score and why it matters2017dissertation
3 Pappas, Alexandra GrandeThe influence of women's body dissatisfaction on career aspirations and perceived career barriersBody Dissatisfaction; Body Image; Career Aspirations; Career Barriers; Educational Aspirations; Women's Career Development2016dissertation
4 Wei, WeiThe relationship between reading speed and reading skill in reading narrative inconsistencies: evidence from eye movements2019dissertation
5 Mora, Hector GeovanniOral reading fluency: Predicting outcomes for culturally and linguistically diverse studentsBilingual education; Educational sociology; Elementary education; Literacy; Reading instruction; Ethnic studies2010dissertation
6 Juretic, Meghan AnnPredictors of treatment success for parents of abused childrenChild abuse; Abused children; Psychotherapy2008-12thesis
7 Bermingham, Douglas WilliamThe price is right: the impacts of age, quantitative knowledge, working memory, and congnitive strategy use on memory for quantitative informationAging; Declarative memory; Domain expertise; Working memory capacity2014-08dissertation
8 Hickam, Summer LynneExamining predictors for college-going among first-generation high school studentsCounseling psychology; Secondary education2018dissertation
9 Cromwell, Raven Nicole BowserTeachers' consideration of diversity when selecting books for classroom libraries and read alouds2018dissertation
10 Smith, Derek JamesExploring the roles of modality and crystallized knowledge in older adults' information processing2018dissertation
11 Guthmiller, Mark L.Identifying factors predicting the math computation and math reasoning peformance levels of Latino elementary school students2010-05dissertation
12 Jedrziewski, Chezlie TresanInvestigation analog task of parents' attributions for child behaviorsParenting; Child abuse2009-05thesis
13 Hoover, Stephanie MarieMental health counselor trainees' social justice identity development due to social justice-oriented practicum training: possibilities for change in self and the worldFeminist multicultural training; Practicum training; Psychology training; Social justice; Trainee development2013-08dissertation
14 Harmon, NancyAcceptability of parent-child aggression in relation to child abuse potential and attitudes toward childrenChild abuse, psychological aspects; Aggressiveness; Mother and child2008-05thesis
15 Slagle, ClarkPsychometric construction and validation of a measure of positive agingAssessment; Measure; Positive aging; Psychometric; Validity2011-12dissertation
16 Houchon, Áine ClotildeWhispers from the gutter: The gutter, its boundaries, and mis-guided driftsComic book art; Art-Philosophy2017-08dissertation
17 Whiteley, Amber ChorubyThe healing processes of childhood sexual abuse survivors within the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: a qualitative analysis2019dissertation
18 Dobson, Leila KristineExploring the relationship between career interests and work values as measured by the choices career information delivery systemCareer interests; O*NET; P-E Fit; Vocational guidance; Work values2010-08dissertation
19 Springer, Benjamin James"Superheroes in the resource room": a study examining implemention of the superhero social skills program by a resource teacher with students with externalizing behavior problemsEducational psychology; special education; clinical psychology2012dissertation
20 Andreason, HopeWell-being and optimal performance in psychotherapy practice: a phenomenological study2019dissertation
21 Lucas, Colli RuthDevelopment and validation of the concept-oriented reading instruction fidelity of implementation instrumentConcept-oriented reading instruction; CORI; Fidelity of implementation; Instrument; Motivation; Observation2010dissertation
22 Buerger, Natalie KathrynEffects of a psychoeducational group on siblings of children with autism spectrum disordersSiblings; Autism; Educational psychology; Clinical psychology; Individual & family studies2014-05dissertation
23 Haygeman, Emily AnneAn adaptation of the Mindful schools curriculum for adolescents: feasibility and preliminary effectiveness on stree, depression, and mindfulness of adolescent in an after-school settingEducational psychology; adolescents; Intervention2017dissertation
24 Varela, AlbertoInvestigating the mediating role of familism and parenting practices in the relationship between acculturation and hispanic adolescent drug and alcohol use2018dissertation
25 Springer, Benjamin JamesPromoting parental awareness and knowledge of schoolwide interventions through web-based technologyBullying in schools; Education2009-03-15thesis
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