26 - 50 of 59
Number of results to display per page
26 Embodying identity: movement as an experience of selfir_etdText
27 Embodying tourism and performance: a new look at landscapeir_etdText
28 From tremor to movement: a choreographic process with fitzmaurice voiceworkir_etdText
29 Growing a new body: physicalizing paradoxical systems of grief and desireir_etdText
30 Hip hop artistic modelir_etdText
31 History of the modern dance program at the University of Utah 1968-1989ir_etdText
32 The hopefuls: growing sideways in the choreographic processir_etdText
33 How contact improvisation can inform the creative process and enliven its productir_etdText
34 Intimacy for deconstruction: the role of female relationships in choreographyir_etdText
35 The king stag (and i): dancing trans-corporeality and queer ecology on the stage and in the gardenir_etdText
36 The language of fibers: how movement emerges from space harmony theory and architectureir_etdText
37 The me of yours and the me of mine: an investigation of subjective self and objective self in danceir_etdText
38 Metamorphic chrysalis: embodying mindfulness in transformationir_etdText
39 Metamorphosis: radically imagining the body through collage and the grotesqueir_etdText
40 Moving together: dance as an inroad to relationship and self-discoveryir_etdText
41 Nothing but me: a study of identity through choreography, performance, and educationir_etdText
42 Please feel free: sensation, awareness, and choreographyir_etdText
43 Reflections of self: male-male relationships as a source for choreographyir_etdText
44 Reimagining the Westir_etdText
45 Ripe with meaning: the pregnant body in contemporary danceir_etdText
46 Running from conscience: the compliant individualir_etdText
47 Salad Days: work, covenant, and the childir_etdText
48 Search for an authentic self in the choreographic and performance processir_etdText
49 The search for individuality in the choreographic processir_etdText
50 Spiritual embodiment of danceir_etdText
26 - 50 of 59