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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Whitchurch, MelissaAdductor spasmodic dysphonia versus muscle tension dysphonia: exploring the percision of phonatory break analysis as a diagnostic testphonation; diagnostic2008-08thesis
2 Gibb, John DouglasAn experimental comparison of the humorous lecture and the non humorous lecture in informative speakingIron industry and trade -- Utah1964thesis
3 Metzger, Erika LeeAnalysis of stuttering behaviors in adult stuttering speakers: applications of the lidcombe behavioral data language taxonomyAdult; classification; lidcombe; stuttering2010-07thesis
4 Bailey, Dallin J.Development of an aphasia treatment targeting verbs with low concreteness2016-12dissertation
5 Almishaal, Ali A.Effects of cochlear compression and efferent feedback on amplitude modulation detectionAudiology2017dissertation
6 Wright, Charisse E.Epidemiology of voice and swallowing disorders in Rheumatoid ArthritisAutoimmune; Epidemiology; Rheumatoid arthritis; Swallowing; Voice; Speech therapy; Epidemiology; Immunology2014-08thesis
7 Pierce, JenniferEpidemiology of voice and swallowing disorders in Sjogren's SyndromeSpeech therapy2014-12thesis
8 Kimber, KamilleExploring risk factors associated with spasmodic dysphonia: an epidemiological approachLaryngeal dystonia; Voice disorders2009-06-20thesis
9 Barton, Michael EricIn vivo modeling of acute external superior laryngeal nerve denervation using lidocaine blockLarynx--Innervation; Cricothyroid muscle2008-07-10thesis
10 Ludlow, AmyNarrative and language use: how mothers regard school-aged childrenADHD; Biases; Listeners' perceptions; Narrative; SLI; Specific language impairment2013-08thesis
11 Booz, Jaime A.Perceived gender in clear and conversational speechAudiology; Speech Therapy; Gender Studies2016-12thesis
12 Ketchoyian, Alexandra RosePractices of school-based speech-language pathologists assessing language impairment in English learning childrenAssessment procedures; English learning; Language impairment2016thesis
13 Beckett, Lauren NicoleProfiling speech and language outcomes of children with cleft palate at 39 months of age: examining predictors and identifying speech and language characteristicsSpeech therapy; Public health; Surgery; Physiology2017thesis
14 Moon, Kristi AnnThe relation between language learning aptitude and dynamic assessmentBilingual; Dynamic assement; Language exposure; Morpheme induction; Nonword repetition; Short term memory2014-12thesis
15 Fetrow, Rebecca AnnRelative fundamental frequency in the assessment of primary muscle tension dysphoniaMTD; Muscle Tension Dysphonia; Relative Fundamental Frequency; RFF; Vocal Hyperfunction; Voice2015-08thesis
16 Carrizo, Jessica M.The role of mixed dominance in bilingual assessmentBESA; Bilingual assessment; Language impairment; Nonword repetition; parent report; Spanish2015-08thesis
17 Quinn, EmilySpeech language pathologists' practice with young children who require augmentative and alternative communication: a focus on social communication and peer interventionLanguage disorders in children; Social skills2010-08thesis
18 Fassbender, Kristina MarieTest-retest stability of discourse measures in individuals with aphasiaAphasia; Test Stability2016thesis
19 Lebaron, JordonTesting a conceptual model of vocal tremor: respiratory and laryngeal contributions to acoustic modulationconceptual; laryngeal; model; respiratory; tremor; vocal2016thesis
20 Peterson, Elizabeth AnneToward validation of an acoustic index of dysphonia severityDysphonia; Speech-language pathology; Treatment outcomes measure; Voice2012-08thesis
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