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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Baker, SherryMaking meaning of the Hmong: a qualitative case study of community discourse in the construction of public opinion1994-06dissertation
2 Senda-Cook, SamanthaRugged practices: embodying authenticity in outdoor recreationAuthenticity; Consumerism; Identity; Nature; Recreation; Rhetoric2010-08dissertation
3 Lahr, Kelsey Elaine"This is what I've seen": climate change communication and the articulation of local and scientific knowledge in Yosemite National Parkclimate change; environment; national parks; rhetoric2017thesis
4 Aguilar, Kimberly NoreenCommunication in contemporary learning environments: instructor and student concepts of civility and conflict in online coursesCommunication; Instructional Communication; Online Pedagogy2015dissertation
5 Miller, Autumn LeighInfluencing the agenda: exploring the online classroom as a third space for amplifying responsible environmental citizenryenvironmental education; instructional design; Marketing; mixed methods; online learning; Public Relations2016dissertation
6 Massie, Keith R.The online identity formation of the institution of higher education: analysis of power relations and subject positionsPower relations; Representation; Subject positions; Theory; University homepages; Visual narrative2011-05dissertation
7 Paskett, Cecile GenevieveCollective memory, collective imagination, place-making, and the discursive (RE) construction of the gateway district2018dissertation
8 Kite, Lindsay D.Healthy media literacy: bridging critical media literacy and health literacy to promote positive body image and healthBody image; Health promotion; Healthy media literacy; Media literacy; Media studies; Objectification2013-12dissertation
9 Chatelain, Jeremy JohnThe Imprint of the press: A cultural history of the influence of nineteenth-century American print on Mormonism in Kirtland, Ohio, 1831-1837Journalism; American history; 19th century; Mormonism2018dissertation
10 Mcintire, Earl Henry"Raised money by hook and crook, got my paper out": sunshine and shadow in the life seasons of editor and physician Dr. Elihu S. McIntire (1832-1899)Biography; Cultural History; Diary; Framing; Journalism History; Textual Silences2017dissertation
11 Stowell, RichardFraming the American Warrior: Ethos and virtue in the U.S. Army, 2003-20142019dissertation
12 Shelbourn, MauriannaThe problem of the queer protectors: (RE)articulating the rhetorical figure of the soldier in Military membership controversies2019dissertation
13 Brunner, Elizabneth AnnChina, social media, and environmental protest: Civic engagement on networks of screens and streetsCommunication; Rhetoric2016dissertation
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