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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Taylor, Julie LynnProstitution policy and the function of silence: the communicative constitution of a clandestine (un)organizationClandestine organization; Communication constitutes organizing; Discourse; Feminist poststructuralism; Prostitution policy; Silence2014-08dissertation
2 Houf, Jessica ReneeBacteria, bodies, and boundaries: a critical genealogy of clostridium difficile and the human body2018dissertation
3 Richards, Matthew StevenMountaintop removal, activism, and the commitment to progress in industrial sacrifice zones: the socialization of class in west virginiaAppalachia; Class; Coal; Coal Mining; Socialization of Class2016dissertation
4 Brunner, Elizabneth AnnChina, social media, and environmental protest: Civic engagement on networks of screens and streetsCommunication; Rhetoric2016dissertation
1 - 25 of 4