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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Islam, Md ImdadulStudy of prokaryotes, their viruses, and interaction between them in the Great Salt Lake using bioinformatics - A metagenomic approach2019thesis
2 Pappu, Aiswarya RaniNitrogen transformations and greenhouse gas emissions from urban green infrastructures2018thesis
3 Huber, Jeffrey M.Field enhanced photocatalytic inactivation of escherichia coli using immobilized titanium dioxide nanotube arraysEscherichia coli; Inactivation; Nanotubes; Photocatalysis; Photoelectrocatalysis; Titanium dioxide2015-05thesis
4 Comber, Nichole MichelleEffect of CO2 leakages on autotrophic growth in the subsurface during geological sequestrationAutotrophic; Carbon dioxide; Flourescent in situ hybridization; Flow cytometer; Geologic sequestration2012-08thesis
5 Mackey, Brendan JosephPerformance and bacterial community profiling of PAO/DPAO in an EBPR bench-top-reactor with synthetic fermentation system2019thesis
6 Adjei, Christian AmeviMCNP5 and GEANT4 comparisons for preliminary fast neutron pencil beam design at the University of Utah TRIGA system2012-12thesis
7 Karimi, Ahmed FardeenA study on fecal pollution sources in Jordan River tributaries using microbial source tracking methodFecal contamination; library independent method; microbial source tracking; surface water quality2019thesis
8 Wu, ShaSuspended growth and attached growth anammox for nitrogen removal from different waste streams- process startup and performanceanaerobic ammonium oxidation; microbial community; partial nitritation; pilot-scale application; Environmental engineering2016dissertation
9 Mohaghegh motlagh, Seyed amir hosseinThe role of bacteriophage in providing bacterial diversity in engineered and natural ecosystems to provide system resiliencyBacteriophage; Great Salt Lake; Hypersaline; Metagenomics; Nutrient cycling; Phage-host interaction2016dissertation
10 Streitmatter, Seth WilliamMultiscale modeling of the dosimetric and relative biological effectiveness of diagnostic X-Rays and high linear energy transfer particlesNuclear engineering2017dissertation
11 Bhattacharjee, Ananda ShankarMetagenomic approach to study innovative nitrogen transformations in natural ecosystemsEngineering; Environmental engineering2017dissertation
12 Moffitt, Gregory BruceMonte Carlo modeling of neutron dosimetry and relative biological effectiveness for the University of Washington Clinical Neutron Therapy SystemNuclear engineering; Medicine; Physiology; Nuclear physics; Oncology2017dissertation
13 Sherafat, BehnamAcoustical modeling of construction jobsites with multiple operational machines for activity recognition and productivity analysisAcoustics; civil engineering; environmental engineering2022dissertation
14 Dhungel, SulochanPredicting watershed-scale agricultural water consumption using statistical and cropping systems models with satellite-based remote sensing2019dissertation
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