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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Weidner, Anna MarieDynamic properties of concrete and fiber reinforced concrete at room and elevated temperaturesConcrete; Dynamic; Elevated Temperature; Fiber Reinforced; Impact; Civil engineering2013-05thesis
2 Poudyal, RishavEffect of pellet-cladding interaction (PCI) and degradation mechanisms on spent nuclear fuel rod mechanical performance during transportationChemistry; Civil engineering; Nuclear engineering2016thesis
3 Eidelpes, Elmar FerdinandA Probabilistic assessment of the structural integrity of spent nuclear fuel transportation casks under accident conditions after long-term storageHydride embrittlement; Hydride reorientation; Nuclear fuel cladding; Probabilistic assessment; Ring compression tests; Transportation of spent nuclear fuel2019dissertation
4 McCoy, Kaylyn MarieThe effect of annealing on the reversal of amorphization in plutonium tetrafluorideNuclear engineering; Nuclear chemistry; Materials science2017dissertation
5 Komlos, William AResidual welding stress in medium and highly restrained weldmentsResidual stresses; Welded joints2009-05thesis
6 Hammond, Alex JayPredicting concrete resistivity from Ohms lawChloride ions; Deicing salts2010-02-08thesis
7 Steffen, Jennifer R.Bioretention hydrologic performance in a semiarid climateBioretention; Green Infrastructure (GI); Stormwater management; Water resources2012-12thesis
8 Bao, ShuangliAsphalt pavement surface thin lift treatment performance evaluationAsphalt; asphalt pavement; asphalt performance; surface treatment; thin lift treatment2019thesis
9 Pearce, Tiffany BrookeTire damperDamper; Hysteretic; Prevention; Progressive Damage; Seismic; Structural2013-05thesis
10 Gibbons, Michael EyringBehavior of corroded reinforced concrete columns with carbon fiber reinforced polymer jackets and columns with internal glass fiber reinforced polymer spiralsCFRP; Columns; Concrete; Corrosion; GFRP; Reinforced2011-08thesis
11 Hasan, Mohammad MonirulEvaluating the environmental impact of woody biomass removal for biofuel productionBiomass; Environmental; Impact; Removal; Woody; Civil engineering; Environmental engineering2015thesis
12 Cox, James AllenSignificance of pH variance in predicting chemical reaction in hot mix asphaltAsphalt; Chemical; pH; Reaction; Significance; Variance2016dissertation
13 Garfield, Timothy T.Performance of reinforced concrete panels during blast loadingExplosion; Fiber concrete; Glass fiber reinforced polymer; Reinforced concrete2011-12thesis
14 Crawford, Douglas SpencerVerification and validation of the maximum entropy method of moment reconstruction of energy dependent neutron fluxenergy moments, Neutron diffusion, reconstruction, statistics moments, validation, verification2012-12dissertation
15 Wu, RuoyangSeismic rehabilitation of severely damaged reinforced concrete bridge columns using plastic hinge relocation2018dissertation
16 Comber, Nichole MichelleEffect of CO2 leakages on autotrophic growth in the subsurface during geological sequestrationAutotrophic; Carbon dioxide; Flourescent in situ hybridization; Flow cytometer; Geologic sequestration2012-08thesis
17 Huber, Jeffrey M.Field enhanced photocatalytic inactivation of escherichia coli using immobilized titanium dioxide nanotube arraysEscherichia coli; Inactivation; Nanotubes; Photocatalysis; Photoelectrocatalysis; Titanium dioxide2015-05thesis
18 Jing, RanBacteriophage-based biocontrol of the biofilm formed by antibiotic-resistant bacteriumBiocontrol; Biofilm; Antibiotic-resistant bacterium; Chryseobacterium taeanense2012-08thesis
19 Wu, ShaSuspended growth and attached growth anammox for nitrogen removal from different waste streams- process startup and performanceanaerobic ammonium oxidation; microbial community; partial nitritation; pilot-scale application; Environmental engineering2016dissertation
20 Lee, SeungyubTriple top line based asset management analysis approach to enhance sustain ability of water distribution systems2019dissertation
21 Bishaw, Birhanu BogaleEffect of high strength materials on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete moment resisting framesBeam-column; Concentrated plasticity; Deteriorating models; Fiber reinforced concrete; High strength concrete; High strength steel2016dissertation
22 Eklund, Matthew DericA new thermal hydraulics code coupled to agent for light water reactor analysisAGENT; BWR; Drift flux model; Homogeneous Equilibrium Mixture (HEM) model; Method of Characteristics; PWR2016-05thesis
23 Parks, Joel EdgarSeismic rehabilitation of column to pier cap accelerated bridge construction connections and acoustic emission monitoring assessmentAccelerated bridge construction; Acoustic emissions; CFRP; Column repair; Seismic rehabilition; Sleeved connections2014-05thesis
24 Burningham, Clayton A.Development of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer prestressing system for structural applicationsAnchor; CFRP; Composites; Post-tensioning; Prestressing; Repair2011-12dissertation
25 Islam, Md ImdadulStudy of prokaryotes, their viruses, and interaction between them in the Great Salt Lake using bioinformatics - A metagenomic approach2019thesis
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