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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Wenger, Arthur W.Study of the sulphur in coal and its distribution between the gases and the residue in cokingCoke; Coal-tar products; Sulphur; Coal, Utah1923-06thesis
2 Sorensen, David PerryAcidic and basic compounds in GilsoniteGilsonite1905-05-08dissertation
3 Khabibullin, AmirSilica nanoporous membranes and their applicationsFuel cell membranes; Materials chemistry; Nanoporous membranes; Polymer brushes; Self-assembly; Silica nanoparticles2014-12dissertation
4 Neff, Diane LouiseInvestigation of disulfide bond cleavage, water-cluster cations and PO bonds in phosphates using AB initio electronic structure calculationsBond; Cation; Disulfide; Mass spectrometry; Rydberg; Water-cluster2012-08dissertation
5 Mccammant, Matthew ScottPalladium-catalyzed difunctionalization reactions of 1,3-dienes and terminal alkenes via ?-allyl stabilized intermediatesPalladium-Catalyzed; Pi-Allyl; Stablized; Difunctionalization2016dissertation
6 Zhang, YulumSingle nanoparticle electrochemistry2019dissertation
7 Casselman, Brock LewisIncreasing general chemistry student pass rate: improving course requirements and implementing metacognitive trainingChemistry; Education2018dissertation
8 Talbot, Justin JohnMolecules dancing with two left feet: multidimentsional spectorscopic studies of floppy complexes using quantum simulations2019dissertation
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