1 - 25 of 58
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1 A quantitative experimental study of the osciliatory combustion of solid rocket propellantsir_etdText
2 Agglomeration and leaching of a crushed secondary sulfide copper oreir_etdText
3 An investigation of oxygen-containing compounds - phenols and indanols - in coal liquid distillatesir_etdText
4 Analytical survey of Utah coalsir_etdText
5 Application of the extended Pitzer equation to nuclear fuel reprocessingir_etdText
6 Batch hydrogenation of high volatile bituminous coalir_etdText
7 Chemistry of oil production from tar sandsir_etdText
8 Chemo-mechanical effects on rock strength, Young's modulus and poisson's ratioir_etdText
9 Comparative examination of aerosols of pulverized coal combustion in air and in oxygen with carbon dioxide combustion environmentsir_etdText
10 Design and performance of a bench-scale steam fluidized gasifier for biomass analysisir_etdText
11 Determination of american petroleum institute gravity of petroleum in the rock using pyrolysisir_etdText
12 Digital control of thermal processing system for tar sandsir_etdText
13 Effect of slurry flow on the pressure required to restart flow in gelled waxy oil pipelines and connection to rheologyir_etdText
14 Effects of low temperature preheating on the pyrolysis products from blocks of oil shaleir_etdText
15 Efficiency of the Trent process in cleaning coalir_etdText
16 Evaluation of the economic feasability of heavy oil production processes for West Sak Fieldir_etdText
17 Evolution of the utah energy research triangle: a contemporary case study in the nexus of applied research and public policyir_etdText
18 Experimental investigation and kinetic modeling of homogeneous mercury oxidation by halogensir_etdText
19 Feasibility study of a natural gas storage prospect reservoir using decline curve and hysteresis analysisir_etdText
20 Flash heating of coalir_etdText
21 Fluidized-bed processing of Utah tar sandsir_etdText
22 Fracture conductivity of a bauxite-propped geothermal systemir_etdText
23 Gait adaptations on transitional floor surfaces among older adults with parkinson's diseaseir_etdText
24 Heterogeneous cpu-gpu software framework for dag's in high performance computingir_etdText
25 High performance liquid chromatography of coal derived liquidsir_etdText
1 - 25 of 58