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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Kennedy, James PaulA cellularized biomaterial model of cardiac fibroblasts for evaluation of fibroblast induced changes in stiffnessbioreactor; cardiac fibroblasts; perfusion; scaffold2013-05dissertation
2 Montgomery, Jesse L.A continuous fluorescence assay for polymerase activityActivity assay; extension rate; intercalating dye; polymerase activity2013-12dissertation
3 Gooch, Nathan WilliamsBiocompatibility of ocular biomedical devicesBiocompatibility; Biomedical engineering; Capsule drug ring; Device development; Endocontact lens; Polyethylene glycol2013-08dissertation
4 Henak, Corinne ReidCartilage and labrum mechanics in the normal and pathomorphologic human hipCartilage; Dysplasia; Finite element; Hip; Labrum; Retroversion2013-08dissertation
5 Garfield, Jayden RyanDesign and scale-up of a novel biomimetic mixing system for a closed bioreactorBiomimicry; Bioreactor, Design; Particle Image Velocimetry; Stem Cell2013-05thesis
6 Davis, Tyler ScottDeveloping a cortically-based visual prosthesis for the blind in a chronic nonhuman primate modelChronic; Microstimulation; Primary Visual Cortex; Primate; Utah Electrode Array; Visual Prosthesis2013-05dissertation
7 Pieper, Joel RobertDevelopment of a noninvasive calcium imaging probeCalcium imaging; Calcium probe; Calmodulin; Genetically encoded calcium indicators; Infrared fluorescent protein2013-08thesis
8 Sankaranarayanan, PreethiGeneralized singular value decomposition (GSVD) comparison of patient-matched normal and tumor aCGH profiles reveals global copy-number alterations predicting glioblastoma multiforme survivalCopy number; Glioblastoma multiforme; GSVD2013-05thesis
9 Harris, Michael DennisonThe geometry and biomechanics of normal and parthimorpologic human hipsAcetabular dysplasia; Biomechanics; Femoroacetabular impingement; Hip; Musculoskeletal modeling; Statistical shape modeling2013-08dissertation
10 Tasci, Tonguc OnurHigh resolution separations of nanoparticles with improved electrical and magnetic field flow fractionationChromotography; Electrical Filed Flow Fractionation; Field Flow Fractionation; Fractionation; Nanoparticles; Separation2013-05dissertation
11 Smith, Jessica WynneInflammatory biomarkers and functional biomechanics of older adults with osteoartheritis before and after total knee arhroplastyBiomechanics; Inflammation; Older adults; Osteoarthritis; Total knee arthroplasty2013-12dissertation
12 Smith, Elliot HansenInformation transfer and transformation in the primate ventral auditory processing streamAuditory; Brain; Cortex; Electrophysiology; Human; Information2013-08dissertation
13 Kapron, Ashley LynnKinematics of femoroacetabular impingementFemoroacetabular Impingement; Hip; Kinematics; Orthopaedics2013-12dissertation
14 Avula, Mahender nathLocal drug delivery targeting mast cells to improve the functional lifetime of continuous glucose sensorsBiomaterials; Biosensors; Continuous glucose sensors; Foreign body response; Local drug delivery; Mast cells2013-12dissertation
15 Sadeghi, NedaModeling and analysis of longitudinal multimodal magnetic resonance imaging: application to early brain development2013-12dissertation
16 Skousen, John LawrenceNovel design strategies to reduce the foreign body response to central nervous system implantsExtracellular Matrix; Foreign Body Response; Inflammation; Macrophage; Microelectrode; Microglial2013-05dissertation
17 Swenson, DarrellSubject-specific modeling in computational cardiac electrophysiologyBidomain; Cardiac; Computational; Electrophysiology; Subject-specific modeling2013-08dissertation
18 Ledbetter, Noah McClardUnit recording and muscle activation in peripheral nerves for improved nueroprosthesesElectrode; Nerve anatomy; Prostheses; SCI2013-05dissertation
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