176 - 200 of 204
Number of results to display per page
176 Signal processing, human factors, and modelling to support bedside care in the intensive care unitir_etdText
177 Silk-elastinlike protein polymers for adenobiral cancer gene therapyir_etdText
178 Simultaneous quantitation of knee ligament forcesir_etdText
179 Spatially and temporally resolving radio-frequency changes in effective cell membrane capacitanceir_etdText
180 Steady-state transfer function analysis of portions of the circulatory system using indicator dilution techniquesir_etdText
181 Stimuli-sensitive perfluorocarbon emulsions as drug carriers and embolizing agents for tumor therapyir_etdText
182 Strategies towards the mitigation of shunting in implanted neural arrays to improve device stability for chronic applicationsir_etdText
183 Studies of intracortical microelectrode array performance and foreign body response in young and aged ratsir_etdText
184 Subject-specific modeling in computational cardiac electrophysiologyir_etdText
185 Subject-specific modeling of partial thickness cardiac ischemia: from experiment to body surfaceir_etdText
186 Super-resolution imaging of drug-free macromolecular therapeuticsir_etdText
187 Technology mapping of genetic circuit designsir_etdText
188 Temporal dilation of animal cardiac recordings registered to human torso geometriesir_etdText
189 Tensor generalized singular value decomposition with applications in Genomic signal processingir_etdText
190 Three dimensional morphological assessment of normal and FAI femoral head geometriesir_etdText
191 Thresholds of stretch-induced injury in cerebral arteriesir_etdText
192 Tools and applications for imaging-based cardiovascular mechanicsir_etdText
193 Transepithelial transport of pamam dendrimers across isolated intestinal tissueir_etdText
194 Transfected mesenchymal stem cells in a thermoreversible hydrogel matrix for the treatment of myocardial infarctionir_etdText
195 Ultrasound beam simulation for magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgeryir_etdText
196 Unit recording and muscle activation in peripheral nerves for improved nueroprosthesesir_etdText
197 The use of an intravaginal pressure transducer in women: a study of the relationship between intra-abdominal pressure and accelerometryir_etdText
198 The use of hpma copolymer conjugates for the intracellular targeting of anticancer drugsir_etdText
199 Use of low-dose beta-blockers to treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndromeir_etdText
200 The use of silk-elastinlike proteins and semi-synthetic glycosaminoglycans for a prophylactic approach to treat radiation-induced proctitisir_etdText
176 - 200 of 204