1 - 25 of 146
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1 A comparison of detoxification strategies in two populations of Bryant's woodrat (neotoma Bryanti)ir_etdText
2 A Descriptive catalogue of the trees and larger woody shrubs of Utah Based on the anatomy of the woodir_etdText
3 A distributional and taxonomic study of the kangaroo rats (genus dipodomys) of Utahir_etdText
4 A mathematical investigation of the innate and adaptive immune surveillance of tumor growthir_etdText
5 A study of plant succession in the oak brush (Q̲u̲e̲r̲c̲u̲s̲ g̲a̲m̲b̲e̲l̲i̲i̲) zone after fireir_etdText
6 A study of the ecology and ethology of the rock squirrel, spermophilus variegatus (ereleben) in Northern Utahir_etdText
7 Acidic residues essential for proton-energized transport in the type-III secretion apparatusir_etdText
8 An Ecologic and systematic study of the birds of the OQuirrh Mountains, Utahir_etdText
9 An ecological natural history of the white-faced ibis (P̲l̲e̲g̲a̲d̲i̲s̲ c̲h̲i̲h̲i̲) in northern Utah.ir_etdText
10 An Ordination of the Oak communities of the Wasatch Mountainsir_etdText
11 Analysis of Ceylon and TC4, two zebrafish mutants with immunodeficiencyir_etdText
12 Ant coexistence in a spatially heterogeneous region in Central Floridair_etdText
13 Aptitude in American Alligators: ecological factors affecting cognition and behaviorir_etdText
14 Avoiding desiccation in tropical forests: mechanisms that maintain tree water status during seasonal droughtsir_etdText
15 Bacterial flora of Great Salt Lake and the viability of other microorganisms in Great Salt Lake Waterir_etdText
16 The behavioral physiology of competitive ability in recently wild-derived male house mice (Mus musculus)ir_etdText
17 Biomechanical regulation of hook basal body assembly in salmonella entericair_etdText
18 Birds of Pine Valley Mountain Region, Southwestern Utahir_etdText
19 The bps signal: genetic and biochemical approaches for identificationir_etdText
20 The breeding biology and ethology of the green-tailed towheeir_etdText
21 Carotenoid pigments and pesticide resistance: genomic perspecitves fro a small but prolific mite herbivoreir_etdText
22 Characterization of auxiliary subunits for GLR-1 ampa receptors in Caenorhabditis Elegansir_etdText
23 Characterization of novel C. Elegans Kainate receptors and their contribution to gradient navigationir_etdText
24 Characterizing diatom assemblages in ponded wetlandsir_etdText
25 Chromosomal inversions facilitate the accumulation of divergence and hybrid incompatibilities between speciesir_etdText
1 - 25 of 146