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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Ruff, James S.Organismal performance assays for detecting adverse health impacts of nutritional and toxic exposures: consequences of dietary fructoseFructose; Mice; Organismal performance assays; Semi-natural enclosures; Sucrose; Sugar2012-08dissertation
2 Gaukler, Shannon MarieOrganismal performance assays: an innovation in pharmaceutical safety assessmentBehavior; Mice; Organismal Performance Assay; Pharmaceutical; Semi-natural Enclosures; Toxicity Assessment2014dissertation
3 DiBlasi, Emily AnnThe ecological basis of genetic variation in parasite populationsBiology; Genetics; Ecology2017dissertation
4 Horns, Joshua John ZollingerCombining long-term field research and community science to measure the impacts of global change on bird populations2019dissertation
5 Buechley, Evan R.Ecology, ecosystem services, and conservation of endangered scavengersBiology; Ecology; Conservation biology; Zoology2017dissertation
6 Cornwall, Douglas H.The influence of host diversity, transmission and microbiome on virulence evolutionEvolutionary Biology; Friend Virus Complex; Major Histocompatibility Compex; Microbiome; Natural transmission2017dissertation
7 Kohl, Kevin DavidGastrointestinal mechanisms for avoiding toxicity in mammalian herbivoresGastrointestial mechanisms; Toxicity; Herbivores2014-05dissertation
8 Chynoweth, Mark WilliamEcology and conservation of large carnivores in a human-dominated landscape in Eastern AnatoliaWildlife conservation; wildlife management; conservation biology; middle eastern studies2017dissertation
9 Marón, Carina FlaviaFeeding ecology, gull harassment and reproductive success of female Southern right whalesblubber thickness; calving intervals; diet; gull-inflicted lesions; Península Valdés; southern right whales2015dissertation
10 Stringham, Sydney AnnThe genetic architecture of morphological changes in the Ninespine Stickleback (Pungitius Pungitius) and the domesticated pigeon (Columba Livia): Insights from population analysis, quantitative trait mapping and whole-genome resequencingEvolution; Pungitius; Stickleback2014-08dissertation
11 Quinonez, Jonathan AlexanderA mathematical investigation of the innate and adaptive immune surveillance of tumor growth2011-05honors thesis
12 Gritzen, Craig Michael D.Investigating the patters of coinfections with gastrointestinal helminths and sin nombre virus in deer miceDeer mice; Hantavirus; Helminths; Parasites; Peromyscus; Sin nombre virus2012-12thesis
13 Blair, HaileyFeather samples as a source of DNA for species identification of banded empidonaxflycatchers2019thesis
14 Carter, Dan FredImmunological aspects of shortened neutrophil half-disappearance times after isologous neutrophil transfusionsTransplantation; Leucocytes1972-08thesis
15 Cunningham, Christopher B.The behavioral physiology of competitive ability in recently wild-derived male house mice (Mus musculus)Aggression; Genetics; Life history evolution; Male-male competition; Pheromones; Sexual selection2013-05dissertation
16 Kurlovs, Andre HermanCarotenoid pigments and pesticide resistance: genomic perspecitves fro a small but prolific mite herbivore2018dissertation
17 Inagaki, Ryota ThomasMolecular profiling of cells in the Vocal center of African Clawed Frog2019thesis
18 Clayton, Adam LarsenMechanisms of genome degeneration and adaptation in symbiosisMolecular biology; Genetics; Microbiology2016dissertation
19 Varner, Johanna Martha digreEcology and behavior of american pikas (ochotona princeps) in atypical habitatsbehavioral plasticity; moss; ochotona; pika; wildfire; Ecology; Zoology2015dissertation
20 Knutie, Sarah AnnEffects of an introduced parasitic nest fly on endemic avian hosts in the Galapagos IslandsConservation; Darwin's finches; Host defenses; Invasive; Ecology; Parasitology2014-12dissertation
21 Williamson, Jebediah ColtSoil carbon and nitrogen stocks in a semiarid urban ecosystemSoils--Carbon content; Soils--Nitrogen content; Urban ecology2009-01-15thesis
22 McNew, Sabrina Ming-Ha-LouieThe ecology of host tolerance: responses of galápagos mockingbirds to philornis downsiBiology; Ecology; Parasitology2018dissertation
23 Oakeson, Kelly F.Insights into the origins and evolution of mutualistic insect-bacterial symbiosesInsects; Bacterial endosymbionts2014-05dissertation
24 Argall, Clifford IrvingSerological relationships between the Rh antigens of the D-Du seriesAgglutinage Cells1955-07thesis
25 Cooper, Jacob CarterThe molecular basis of hybrid incompartibility and detecting recurrent positive selection in genomic data2019dissertation
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