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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Cohen, Eli JosephBiomechanical regulation of hook basal body assembly in salmonella entericaMolecular biology2017dissertation
2 Kurlovs, Andre HermanCarotenoid pigments and pesticide resistance: genomic perspecitves fro a small but prolific mite herbivore2018dissertation
3 Leonard, ChristopherChromosomal inversions facilitate the accumulation of divergence and hybrid incompatibilities between speciesGenetics; Evolution & development2017thesis
4 Horns, Joshua John ZollingerCombining long-term field research and community science to measure the impacts of global change on bird populations2019dissertation
5 Espino, Samuel SindinganConotoxins: discovery using new assays and applications in the characterization of pruriceptors in the mouse dorsal root ganglion (drg)Biological sciences; Conotoxins; Conus araneosus; Conus aulicus; DRG neurons; NET; Pruriceptors2016dissertation
6 Memon, TosifaConstellation pharmacology of trpm8- and trpa1-expressing somatosensory neuronsAnethole; Calcium Imaging; Constellation Pharmacology; Sodium Channels; TRPA1; TRPM82017dissertation
7 Christensen, Sean BradleyDiscovery of selective antagonists for the α9α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptorHPLC; Nicotinic receptors; oocyte; sigma conotoxin; two-electrode voltage clamping; Venom screening; Biology; Pharmacology; Biochemistry2016thesis
8 Leavitt, Justin ConradDNA packaging and ejection by P22-like bacteriophageBiology; virology2016dissertation
9 Hoepfner, Amanda RaeEcological and social influences on orangutan long call behavior and acoustic variationBiology; Physiology2017dissertation
10 DiBlasi, Emily AnnThe ecological basis of genetic variation in parasite populationsBiology; Genetics; Ecology2017dissertation
11 Bartlow, Andrew WilliamEcological factors influencing community structure of parasites and their hostsBiology; Ecology; Parasitology2017dissertation
12 Kurnath, Patrice MargaretEcological physiology of desert woodrats (neotoma lepida) with respect to ambient temperature and dietary toxinsambient temperature; liver function; mammalian herbivore; plant-herbivore interactions; plant secondary compounds; Ecology; Zoology; Physiology2016dissertation
13 Chynoweth, Mark WilliamEcology and conservation of large carnivores in a human-dominated landscape in Eastern AnatoliaWildlife conservation; wildlife management; conservation biology; middle eastern studies2017dissertation
14 McNew, Sabrina Ming-Ha-LouieThe ecology of host tolerance: responses of galápagos mockingbirds to philornis downsiBiology; Ecology; Parasitology2018dissertation
15 Buechley, Evan R.Ecology, ecosystem services, and conservation of endangered scavengersBiology; Ecology; Conservation biology; Zoology2017dissertation
16 Blair, HaileyFeather samples as a source of DNA for species identification of banded empidonaxflycatchers2019thesis
17 Morris, Jeremy S.Functional specialization for aggression and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in vertebratesaggression; functional trade-offs; locomotion; sexual dimorphism; sexual selection; whole-organism performance2017dissertation
18 LaBella, Matthew LawrenceGenes involved in the stabilization of the mature nervous system2019dissertation
19 Love, Jay WilliamImplications of modular song learning for species isolation2019dissertation
20 Cornwall, Douglas H.The influence of host diversity, transmission and microbiome on virulence evolutionEvolutionary Biology; Friend Virus Complex; Major Histocompatibility Compex; Microbiome; Natural transmission2017dissertation
21 Thornton, Christopher NeilThe influence of wastewater treatment on the resistome of an Urban watershed2019thesis
22 Greenhalgh, Robert ThomasInsights into generalist and specialist life histories: how they shape the genomic architecture of chelicerate herbivores and impact the transcriptomic responses of two economically important grass speciesGenetics; Evolution & development2018dissertation
23 Garcia, Sarah M.The interplay of morphological adaptations and neuromuscular control2018dissertation
24 Wee, Daniel Hyung JinThe length control mechanisms of Type-III secretion systems in salmonella entericaMolecular biology; Genetics; Microbiology2017dissertation
25 Moore, Kristin AThe mechanisms and function of regulated ire1-dependent decay during endoplasmic reticulum stressBlos1; Endoplasmic reticulum (ER); ER stress; mRNA degradation; Regulated-Ire1 Dependent Decay; Unfolded Protein Response2016-05dissertation
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