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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Fasoli, BenjaminModeling urban carbon dioxide using light-rail measurements and the modified stochastic time-inverted lagrangian transport model (Stilt-R Version 2)2017thesis
2 Wagner, Wendy KayObserving, analyzing and simulating snow surface temperature for cross-country ski race coursesSnow; Thermal properties; Cross-country ski racing2010-05thesis
3 Lawson, JohnAnalysis and predictability of the 1 December 2011 Wasatch downslope windstormDownslope; Mountain; predictability; rossby; wave-breaking; windstorm2013-12thesis
4 Mallia, Derek VincentSimulating high impact wildfire and wind-blown dust events using improved atmospheric modeling methodsAtmospheric sciences; Dust; Forest & brush fires; Atmospheric models2018dissertation
5 Hahnenberger, MauraDust storms in the Eastern Great Gasin of Utah, U.S.A.Geomorphology; Meteorology; Atmospheric sciences2014dissertation
6 Lammers, Matthew RobertVerification of national weather service spot forecasts using surface observationsFire weather; Forecast verification; Weather forecasting; Wildfire2014-08thesis
7 Tyndall, Daniel PaulSensitivity of surface temperature analyses to specification of background and observation error covariancesClimatology;Earth temperature2008-12thesis
8 Maestas, Melissa MayAir pollution and gastrointestinal diseases in UtahEnvironmental Health; Atmospheric sciences2016dissertation
9 Wu, DienTop-down constraints on CO emissions from wildfire inventories using a receptor-oriented Lagrangian particle dispersion model2016thesis
10 Mascio, Jeana RoseUsing an optimal estimation algorithm to describe the mass-dimensional properties of ice cloudsAtmospheric sciences; Remote sensing2018dissertation
11 Wessler, Michael EdwardAnalyzing extreme weather situations across the western United States: Rapid cooling and elevated wildfire risk episodesPacific Northwest; extreme meteorological events; rapid cooling events2018thesis
12 West, Tyler KimSea-effect clouds and precipitation over the sea of Japan2019dissertation
13 Maestas, Melissa MayCharacterization of speciated atmospheric mercury concentration measurements in Northern UtahGEM; GOM; Atmospheric mercury; PBM; Northern Utah; Atmospheric Chemistry; Atmospheric sciences2011-12thesis
14 Blaylock, Brian KennethHigh-Resolution rapid refresh model data analytics for wildland fire weather assessment2019dissertation
15 Campbell, Leah SuzanneInfluences of orography and coastal geometry on lake- and sea-effect snowstorms2017dissertation
16 Jacques, Alexander AndrewTemporal and spatial analyses of pressure perturbations from the usarray transportable arrayFiltering; Mesoscale; Observations; Pressure; Statistics; USArray2016dissertation
17 Li, ZhanStudying the genesis of typhoon Nuri (2008) with numerical simulations and data assimilationData assimilation; Numerical simulation; Tropical cyclone genesis2013-12dissertation
18 Hock, Nessa E.Numerical simulations and sensitivity studies of a florida sea breeze and its associated convection in the gray-zone grid spacingconvection; gray-zone; numerical modeling; parameterization; sea breeze; stocastic2017thesis
19 Bang, Sarah DohertyTropical oceanic thunderstorms and the roles of evolution, organization, and environmental forcing in their electrification2018dissertation
20 Coopman, QuentinModification of Arctic clouds by long-range aerosol transportAtmospheric sciences2017dissertation
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