26 - 50 of 84
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26 Final Architectural project depicting the design and sustainability of a winery in Springdale.ir_etdText
27 Final graduate design studioir_etdImage; Text
28 Final Studio: Princeton Universityir_etdImage; Text
29 Firearm violence awareness assembly: Sacramento, Californiair_etdText
30 Graduate student housing-Princetonir_etdImage; Text
31 Great Salt Lake energy production center.ir_etdText
32 Housing and farming infrastructureir_etdText
33 Housing for the agedir_etdText
34 Il faut reculer pour mieux sauter. (you have to step back to jump further): agriculture, sustainability and community resiliency in urban environmentsir_etdText
35 Independent media center - Washington D.C.: Architectural implications of social activism and public broadcastingir_etdText
36 Inhabiting the canalir_etdText
37 Interdependence of systems of dominance, place theory and gender in creating risk factors for HIVir_etdText
38 Intersection of beauty + sustainabilityir_etdText
39 Japanese-American community center, museum and new Buddhist temple for Salt Lake City and the Intermountain West.ir_etdText
40 LDS community churchir_etdText
41 Live-with: a co-op work projectir_etdText
42 Los Angeles technology forum: connect, synthesize, disseminateir_etdText
43 Magna through timeir_etdText
44 Marmalade district housingir_etdText
45 Master of architecture final studio project - Springdale Winery Springdale, Utahir_etd
46 Mexican cultural center: cultural integration through architectureir_etdText
47 Natural water systems: before & afterir_etdText
48 Naturopathic healing center: Portland, Oregonir_etdText
49 New lodge for the kostopulos dream foundation: Emigration Canyon, Salt Lake City, Utahir_etdText
50 Not for sale: human trafficking awareness center, New York City highlineir_etdImage; Text
26 - 50 of 84