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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Johnson, Lisa M.(NG) in the speech of Utah teens: testing automated coding using forced alignment2020
2 Hart, Isaac AlfredAfter the rain: using paleoclimatic and paleoecological methods to inform archaeological investigation in Baja California and Range Creek Canyon, UtahArchaeology; Paleoecology2017dissertation
3 Martin, Erik Paul JohnsonAn examination of the role of costly signaling and projectile optimization in prehistoric large game hunting in the Great BasinBehavioral ecology; costly signaling; foraging theory; great basin; zooarchaeology2019dissertation
4 Tackney, Justin C.Arctic prehistory through ancient DNAancient DNA; beringia; mitochondria; native Americans; next-generation sequencing; population genetics2016dissertation
5 Flanigan, Thomas HowardDecisions in the desert: an application of the field processing model to lithic toolstone procurement2019dissertation
6 Torosin, Nicole S.Genetic variation in toll-like receptor 7 and toll-like receptor 8 in humans and howler monkeys and potential implications for susceptibility to yellow fever virus2019dissertation
7 Miller, Shawn DeeNovel motor behaviors and the evolution of the hominin brain2019dissertation
8 Johnson, Lisa M.Panethnic identity among Pacific Islanders: a case study from two Salt Lake County high schoolsPanethnicity; Pacific Islander; Polynesian Identity; Poly; anthropology2019
9 Barbour, Christina CloutierReproductive and somatic aging in captive female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)2018dissertation
10 Lewis, Michael DavidStable isotope ecology baselines and human diet reconstruction: an example from basketmaker II burials at Cedar Mesa, UtahArchaeology; Ecology; Chemistry2018dissertation
11 Magargal, KateSubsistence fires mediate human ecological relationships2019dissertation
12 Johnson, Lisa Marie MorganTeen language and ethnic identity: pacific islander students in Utah High Schools2021dissertation
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