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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Haffey, Hailey AnnChildren's queer rituals: languages of religion, sexuality, and gender identityQueer; sexuality; children2018dissertation
2 Kim, HyesunKorean transnational family language planning efforts and youth identities: language ideologies and the maintenance of Korean in the United States2018dissertation
3 Jorgensen, Heather FitzgeraldThe language of light: articulating tonality in 21st century literacy education2018dissertation
4 Stone, Heather JoyYoung Women in Mormon homelands, 1975-2000: an oral history projectCommunication; Religion; Womens studies2018dissertation
5 Houf, Jessica ReneeBacteria, bodies, and boundaries: a critical genealogy of clostridium difficile and the human body2018dissertation
6 Chatelain, Jeremy JohnThe Imprint of the press: A cultural history of the influence of nineteenth-century American print on Mormonism in Kirtland, Ohio, 1831-1837Journalism; American history; 19th century; Mormonism2018dissertation
7 Wessel, JasonContentious politics in Egypt: a history of organizing collective action2018dissertation
8 Field, Samuel J.Political parties and their relationship with economic globalizationPolitical science; Economics2018dissertation
9 Shreve, Melissa M.Baby boomers' perceptions of body image and feelings of self-worthAging; Psychology2018dissertation
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