26 - 50 of 92
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26 Congenital Ocular Motor ApraxiaTwo examples of congenital ocular motor apraxia. Patients have trouble initiating saccades, and compensate with head movement. Discussion of how to distinguish this condition from simply not seeing well.Image/MovingImage
27 Convergence Retraction Nystagmus (Parinaud's Syndrome)Examples of patients with convergence retraction nystagmus. Shows saccadic oscillations in patients looking upwards and following downwards moving targets. Also shows a side-view of the retracting movements of the globes.Image/MovingImage
28 CPEOPatient with Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO)Image/MovingImage
29 Dilation LagTwo examples of dilation lag (Horner's syndrome). In the first example, the right pupil dilates much faster than the left pupil when the light is turned out. In the second example, the left pupil dilates much faster than the right pupil when the light is turned out. Discussion of methods of document...Image/MovingImage
30 Dissociated NystagmusExample of a patient with dissociated nystagmus. Demonstrates difference in movements between each eye.Image/MovingImage
31 Downbeat NystagmusExample of patients with downbeating jerk nystagmus. Demonstrates how oscillations grow more prominent when the patient gazes down or laterally. Discusses some causes, including Arnold-Chiari malformation, infarction, and demyelination.Image/MovingImage
32 Downbeat NystagmusExample of patient with downbeat nystagmus. Patient is led through instructions of where to gaze. (no audio)Image/MovingImage
33 Downbeat NystagmusExample of patient with downbeat nystagmus. Patient is led through instructions of where to gaze.Image/MovingImage
34 Duane's Retraction Syndrome Type 1: Lid RetractionExample of patients with Duane's Retraction Syndrome, Type 1. Description of components of Duane's Syndrome: limitation of abduction, variable limitation of adduction, and palpebral fissure narrowing and globe retraction with attempted adduction. Type 1 includes limited or absent abduction with norm...Image/MovingImage
35 Duane's Retraction Syndrome Type 3Example of a patient with Type 3 Duane's Retraction Syndrome, as well as bilateral Duane's Syndrome. Shows limitation of abduction in both eyes and adduction in the left eye. Also shows side-view of globe retraction in abduction.Image/MovingImage
36 Duane's SyndromeExample of patient with Duane's Syndrome. Patient is led through instructions for pursuit.Image/MovingImage
37 Duane's Syndrome Type 2: Aberrant Regeneration of the Third and Sixth NervesExample of a patient with Type 2 Duane's Syndrome. Demonstrates limitation of adduction in left eye with normal abduction. Discussion of limited pathological cases.Image/MovingImage
38 Facial Myokymia UnilateralExample of patient with facial myokymia, a disorder of the seventh nerve, probably due to brain stem involvement. Patient has multiple sclerosis. Discussion of characteristics, such as continuous, undulating, contractions in the distribution of the seventh nerve, and a spreading of these movements t...Image/MovingImage
39 Flutter in DowngazeExamination of patient with flutter in downgaze (no audio)Image/MovingImage
40 Fourth Nerve PalsyDemonstration of examination of patient who experienced blurry vision and pain in the left eye. Demonstrates checking of eye movements, focusing on object while each eye is covered and uncovered, turning head both ways and repeating. Shows limitation of depression in adduction of left eye, left hype...Image/MovingImage
41 Gaze Palsy with Facial Weakness from Pontine AVMExample of a patient with torsional nystagmus in both eyes and pendular nystagmus in the left eye. Patient is led through instructions for direction of gaze.Image/MovingImage
42 Hemifacial SpasmExample of patients with hemifacial spasm. First patient has a sequela of Bell's palsy, and is seen to have mainly clonic movements around the eye, with occasional tonic movements around the mouth. Second patient has a cerebellopontine angle epidurmoid tumor, and is seen to have movements around the...Image/MovingImage
43 How to Measure the RAPDThis clip demonstrates the examination technique for measuring the Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD). Demonstration of balancing an afferent papillary defect using filters in a patient with a resolving optic neuritis and an afferent papillary defect on the left.Image/MovingImage
44 How to Use the Direct Ophthalmoscope in an ExamDemonstration of using the direct ophthalmoscope to examine the optic disc. Covers hand placement , which eye to use, and distance from patient.Image/MovingImage
45 Intermittent Square Wave JerksPatient with intermittent square wave jerks (no audio)Image/MovingImage
46 Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (2 Examples)Two examples of patients with internuclear ophthalmoplegia. First patient has a right internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Patient had subacute bacterial endocarditis with a bacterial abscess in the brain stem. Ductions and gaze to the right look good, but when gazing to the left, the right eye does not ad...Image/MovingImage
47 Latent NystagmusExample of a patient with latent nystagmus. Demonstrates a lack of oscillations in forward gaze, followed by the occlusion of each eye, showing how this generates a jerking oscillation in the non-occluded eye away from the occluded eye.Image/MovingImage
48 Levator DisinsertionExample of patient with levator disinsertion, a lid disorder. Patient is pregnant and wears poorly fitting contacts. Discussion of characteristics, such as lid ptosis (shown in the left eye of patient), but with full levator function.Image/MovingImage
49 Light-near DissociationExample of patient with Argyll Robertson pupil with neurosyphilis. Shows a lack of pupillary response to light and some pupillary response to nearness of finger.Image/MovingImage
50 Marcus Gunn Jaw WinkingExample of patient with Marcus Jaw Winking. Patient is led through instructions for movement of jaw (open, close, back and forth), with eyelid seen to be affected. Patient is then led through instructions for direction of gaze and pursuit.Image/MovingImage
26 - 50 of 92