426 - 450 of 744
Number of results to display per page
426 Painted flowers quilt by Melba Gunnell Jones1840; 1841; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1850Textuum_uqhr
427 Painting, "view of Great Salt Lake Valley Painting "View of Great Salt Lake Valley" by Piercy Frederick (1830-1891). Courtesy of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.1830; 1831; 1832; 1833; 1834; 1835; 1836; 1837; 1838; 1839; 1840; 1841; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852; 1853; 1854; 1855; 1856; 1857; 1858; 1859; 1860; 1861; 1862; 1863; 1864; 1865; 1866; 1867; 1868; 1869; 1870; 1871; 1872; 1873; 1874; 1875; 1876; 1877; 1878; 1879; ...Image/StillImageuum_map
428 Papers, 1850-18561850; 1851; 1852; 1853; 1854; 1855; 1856Textuaida_main
429 Patch Work quilt by Unknown quilter1840; 1841; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1850Textuum_uqhr
430 Patchwork quilt by Unknown quilter1840; 1841; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1850Textuum_uqhr
431 Patented model of a Morse Code key telegraph transmitter1850; 1851; 1852; 1853; 1854; 1855; 1856; 1857; 1858; 1859; 1860; 1861; 1862; 1863; 1864; 1865; 1866; 1867; 1868; 1869; 1870; 1871; 1872; 1873; 1874; 1875; 1876; 1877; 1878; 1879; 1880; 1881; 1882; 1883; 1884; 1885; 1886; 1887; 1888; 1889; 1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1898; 1899; ...Image/StillImageuum_map
432 Pawnee Village on the Platte, destroyed by Sioux 18361849; 1850Image/StillImageuum_map
433 Peas & Beans quilt by Unknown quilter1840; 1841; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1850Textuum_uqhr
434 Pencil or charcoal sketch of four faces, one ox, and trees1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
435 Pencil or charcoal sketch of hills and brush1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
436 Pencil or charcoal sketch of horse-drawn wagon passing among trees1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
437 Pencil or charcoal sketch of man in ox-drawn cart at river with trees1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
438 Pencil or charcoal sketch of rock formations [01]1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
439 Pencil or charcoal sketch of rock formations [02]1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
440 Pencil or charcoal sketch of rock formations [03]1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
441 Pencil or charcoal sketch of three covered wagons, cattle, oxen, horses, people with hills in background1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
442 Pencil or charcoal sketch of three Native Americans crouching, looking over a ravine1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
443 Pencil or charcoal sketch of two men and a horse with wagons in the distance.1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
444 Pencil or charcoal sketch of two men and ox looking over landscape with two wagons in the distance1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
445 Pencil or charcoal sketch of two wagons lined up next to three tents with two pots over fires and men1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
446 Pencil or charcoal sketch of valley, mountains in background1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
447 Pencil or charcoal sketch of wide road with houses, fences, cattle, wagon, men, women and children1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852uum_map
448 Penny Rug quilt by Unknown quilter1840; 1841; 1842; 1843; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1849; 1850Textuum_uqhr
449 Personal adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9, with the author's experience at the mines (volume 1)1850Textuum_rbc
450 Personal adventures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9, with the author's experience at the mines (volume 2)1850Textuum_rbc
426 - 450 of 744