151 - 175 of 284
Number of results to display per page
TitleCollection Number And NamePhoto Number
151 Group of young women holding signsP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n160
152 Young woman holding signP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n161
153 Group of young women holding signsP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n162
154 Three unidentified menP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n163
155 Barbara Nakamura leads worship.P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n164
156 Group dining. Included: Roger, Patrick and Jane.P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n165
157 Group dining. Included: Roger, Patrick and Jane.P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n166
158 Group dining. Included: Roger, Patrick and Jane.P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n167
159 Easter SundayP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n168
160 Issei Group in front of the Education Building at the Japanese Church of Christ in Salt Lake CityP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n169
161 Elderly members of the Japanese Church of ChristP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n170
162 Elderly members of the Japanese Church of ChristP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n171
163 Two men leaning against a car, circa 1920sP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n172
164 Man and boyP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n173
165 Ichiji Motoki (?)P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n174
166 Church picnic under the mountain "U." Included: the Masaokas, Iidas, Takasus, Toyotomes, Hashimotos, Unos, Uyedas, Kidos, and Hayakawas.P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n175
167 Views of the new churchP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n176
168 Views of the new churchP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n177
169 Views of the new churchP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n178
170 Utah Senior Basketball Champions. Chozo Aoki, Tom Kutumada, Shake Ushio, Yukus Inouye, Jim Ushio, Mits Hagio, Johnnie Yasukochi.P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n179
171 Reverend George Hirose and his family including Laura, Peter, an ElizabethP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n180
172 Group on steps of churchP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n183
173 Group painting bathroom, circa 1960sP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n184
174 Group eatingP1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n185
175 Bob Akagai leads YAs in worship.P1086 Japanese Church of Christ Photograph CollectionP1086n186
151 - 175 of 284