1 - 100 of 102
Number of results to display per page
TitleCollection Number And NamePhoto Number
1 Ernest UntermannP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_01_001
2 Ernest Untermann with a lionP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_01_002
3 Rat exterminator at work at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_003
4 Cleaning the buffalo yardP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_004
5 Cleaning the buffalo yardP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_005
6 Cleaning the warthog yardP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_006
7 Cleaning wolf cagesP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_007
8 Cleaning a bear enclosure at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_008
9 Cleaning bear cageP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_009
10 Cleaning the bear cageP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_010
11 Feeding anteater at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_011
12 Zookeeper preparing meat at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_012
13 Butcher at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_013
14 BakeryP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_014
15 BakeryP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_02_015
16 Feeding the birds at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_016
17 Bird KitchenP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_017
18 Bird Kitchen at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_018
19 Lioness at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_019
20 Lion Cage at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_020
21 Lion Cage at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_021
22 Cleaning cagesP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_022
23 Cleaning cagesP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_023
24 Kitchen at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_024
25 Kitchen at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_03_025
26 Tortoise at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_026
27 Tortoise at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_027
28 Tortoise at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_028
29 Tortoise at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_029
30 Tortoise at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_030
31 Hippopotamus at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_031
32 Hippopotamus at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_032
33 Elephant at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_033
34 Condor, Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_034
35 Monkeys at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_035
36 Monkeys at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_036
37 Guinea Pigs at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_037
38 Guinea Pigs at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_04_038
39 Zebra at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_039
40 Zebra at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_040
41 Zebra at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_041
42 Zebra at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_042
43 Zebra at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_043
44 Zebras and sculpture at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_044
45 Zebra at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_045
46 Zebra at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_046
47 Zebra at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_05_047
48 Lion with zookeeper at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_048
49 Lion at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_049
50 Lions at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_050
51 Lion at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_051
52 Lioness at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_052
53 Lion at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_053
54 Lion with zookeeper at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_054
55 Lion at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_055
56 Lion at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_056
57 Lion at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_057
58 Lioness at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_058
59 Lioness with zookeeper at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_059
60 Lioness with zookeeper at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_06_060
61 Leopard at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_061
62 Buffalo at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_062
63 Muskox at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_063
64 Muskox at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_064
65 Bison at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_065
66 Warthog at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_066
67 Pronghorn antelope young at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_067
68 Pronghorn antelope young at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_068
69 Herbivores at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_069
70 Deer at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_070
71 Zookeeper and deer at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_071
72 Deer at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_07_072
73 Polar bears at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_073
74 Grizzly bears at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_074
75 Bear at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_075
76 Grizzly bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_076
77 Bears at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_077
78 Grizzly bears at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_078
79 Bear at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_079
80 Bear at Washington Park Zoo.P0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_080
81 Bear at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_081
82 Bear at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_082
83 Polar bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_083
84 Polar bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_084
85 Polar bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_08_085
86 Polar bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_086
87 Polar bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_087
88 Bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_088
89 Polar bears at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_089
90 Ostriches at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_090
91 Birds at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_091
92 Birds at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_092
93 Birds at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_093
94 Birds at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_094
95 Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_095
96 Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_096
97 Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_097
98 Aviary at Washington Park ZooP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_09_098
99 Clemex's model of a rhinocerusP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_10_099
100 H. Johansson's dog team at Lake TahoeP0118 G. Ernst Untermann Photograph Collectionp0118n01_10_100
1 - 100 of 102