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1 Sullivan, John D.; Pam, R. L.Advanced Radiant Combustion System for High Temperature Petrochemical Process Heaters1992
2 Dupont, V.; Pourkashanian, Mohamed; Williams, AlanAn Investigation of Ultra Low NOx Natural Gas Burners1992
3 Seery, D. J.Combustion 2000 - Burning Coal in the Twenty-First Century1992
4 Facchiano, AnthonyDesign & Operating Objectives of Low NOx Burners When Used in Industrial Package Boiler Applications1992
5 Beer, J. M.; Jansohn, P.; Sun, N.; Shihadeh, A.; Toqan, M. A.; Borio, R. W.Development of an Ultra Low NOx Burner for Natural Gas Oil and Pulverized Coal1992
6 Development of Low NOx High Performance Industrial Burner1992
7 Kobayashi, Hisashi ; Du, ZhiyouDilute Oxygen Combustion a New Approach for Low NOx Combustion1992
8 Dilute Oxygen Combustion a New Approach for Low NOx Combustion1992
9 Miyasato, M. M.; Moyeda, David K.; Sowa, W. A.; Samuelsen, G. S.The Effect of Fuel and Air Mixing on NOx Production in a Model Industrial Natural Gas Fired Burner1992
10 Benson, Charles; Wilson, Robert; Loftus, Peter; Itse, Daniel; Morgan, MarkEmissions Control Technology for Coal Fueled Reciprocating Engines1992
11 Seebold, James G.; Kee, Robert J.; Lutze, Andrew J.; Pitz, William J.; Westbrook, Charles K.; Senkan, Selim M.Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Stationary Combustion Sources Numerical Modeling Capabilities1992
12 Baukal, C. E.; Slavejkov, Alex; Valianatos, P. J.Equilibrium and Experimental NOx Comparisons1992
13 Ma, H. K.; Hsieh, D. M.The Experimental Study on Emission of Nitrogen Oxides in a 70,000 Btu/Hr Gas Fired Furnace1992
14 The Fate of Arsenic at the Tacoma Steam Plant #21992
15 Chiang, Pen-Chi; You, Jiann-Hwa; Chang, Kun-Ten; Chang, Shenq-ChyiFormation and Control of PAHs and Mutagenicity of Soot Particulates from Incineration of Polystyrene1992
16 Bjerklie, John W.; Zwick, Eugene B.; Panahi, Sherry K.; Watkins, LarryInitial Test Results for a New Class of Regenerative Radiant Burners1992
17 Thijssen, Johannes H. J.; Toqan, M. A.; Culler, J. E.; Beer, J. M.; Sarofim, Adel F.Laser Induced Fluorescence for Combustion Quality Monitoring1992
18 Dugué, Jacques; Weber, RomanLaser Velocimetry in Semi-Industrial NaturalGas, Oil and Coal Flames by Means of a Water-Cooled LDV Probe1992
19 Syska, Andrew J.; Benson, Charles; Beer, J. M.; Toqan, Majed; Akinyemi, Wole; Moreland, Don; Ruiz, RobertoLow NOx, High Performance Industrial Burner1992
20 Veranth, JohnNOx Emissions from a Commercial Hazardous Waste Incinerator1992
21 Bortz, S. J.; Helfritch, D. H.; Wolfenden, V. T.NOx Reduction Using Plasma Modified Gases1992
22 Croce, Gregory P.; Fearon, EricOperation and Control of NOx Reduction Systems1992
23 Payne, R.; Cole, Jerald A.; Samuelsen, G. S.; Sowa, W. A.; Dunn-Rankin, Derek; Fornaciari, Neal; Carling, R. W.; Gemmer, R. V.; Kezerle, James A.Progress in Development of the Burner Engineering Research Laboratory1992
24 Varga, Gideon M. Jr.Saving Energy and the Environment the DOE Industrial Combustion Equipment Program1992
25 Sun, William H.; Michels, William F.; Stamatakis, Penelope; Comparato, Joseph R.; Hofmann, John E.Selective Non-Catalytic NOx Control with Urea: Theory and Practice, Progress Update1992
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