101 - 125 of 1,390
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101 APPENDIX G - Detailed study of shale pyrolysis for oil production - A subpart of project oil shale pyrolysis and in situ modeling - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-04-21Textir_eua
102 Application of a self-adaptive detector system on a triple quadrupole ms/ms to high explosives and sulfur-containing pyrolysis gases from oil shale1983-12Textir_eua
103 Appraisal of the technical and economic potential of U.S. tar sands1986-11Textir_eua
104 Archaeological Ordinances2024Textir_cmp
105 Areawide and local effects of tar sands development at the Sunnyside site in Utah: A socioeconomic analysis1984-04Textir_eua
106 Assay products from Green River oil shale1986-02-18Textir_eua
107 Assays of oil shale cuttings and cores, P. R. Spring and Hill Creek oil-impregnated sandstone deposits1977-07Textir_eua
108 Assessment and control of water contamination associated with shale-oil extraction and processing1979; 1980Textir_eua
109 Assessment of research needs for oil recovery from heavy-oil sources and tar sands1982-03Textir_eua
110 At risk - the fed up honeys re-present the gentrification of ther Lower East Side2006Textuu_np
111 Atomistic modeling of oil shale kerogens and asphaltene along with their interactions with the inorganic mineral matrix2011-04Textir_eua
112 Attachment 2 - Statement of program objectives clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources2011-12Textir_eua
113 Attachment 2 - Statement of program objectives: Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources2009-09-24Textir_eua
114 Attachment 3--Statement of project objectives (mod 003)2009Textir_eua
115 Attrition and abrasion models for oil shale process modeling1991-10-25Textir_eua
116 Barriers to industrial development in Utah's portion of the four corners region1970-06-01Textir_eua
117 Baseline scenario 19971997-09Textir_eua
118 Baseline scenario 19981998-02Textir_eua
119 Basic Institutional Data for the University of Utah2006-08-30Textir_eua
120 Basin oriented strategies for CO2 enhanced oil recovery: Alaska2005-04Textir_eua
121 Basin oriented strategies for CO2 enhanced oil recovery: Rocky Mountain Region2006-02Textir_eua
122 Basin-wide evaluation of the uppermost Green River Formation's oil-shale resource, Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado2008Textir_eua
123 Being Part of the University's Organic Gardening TraditionTextir_su
124 Best practices and standards manual for sustainable Cities: Ogden City, Utah2024Textir_cmp
125 Best practices for maintaining personal and departmental files2008-11-12Textir_eua
101 - 125 of 1,390