126 - 150 of 190
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
126 Vienna Genesis: Genesis 49, Jacob's Last Prophecy and Farewellca. 6th Century CE
127 Vienna Genesis: God's Covenant with Noah after the Floodca. 6th Century CE
128 Vatican Vergil (Virgil): Aeneid IV, 56-64, Dido Performing a Sacrificeca. early 5th Century CE
129 Saint Apollinare in Classe Church, ground planconsecrated 549 CE, founded 532 - 546 CE
130 Via Latina Catacomb, Crossing of the Red Seac. 350 - 400 CE
131 Via Latina Catacomb, Samson and the Lionc. 350 - 400 CE
132 Santa Costanza Mausoleum, exterior viewca. 350 CE
133 Church of the Holy Sepulchure, cut-away 3-D reconstruction of the Anastasis Rotunda and Apse4th Century CE; rebuilt 19th Century CE
134 Saint Apollinare in Classe Church, view of east end from the northeastconsecrated 549 CE, founded 532 - 546 CE
135 Saint Apollinare in Classe Church, view of north side towerconsecrated 549 CE, founded 532 - 546 CE
136 Saint Apollinare in Classe Church, view from the northwestconsecrated 549 CE, founded 532 - 546 CE
137 Saint Apollinare in Classe Church, view from the westconsecrated 549 CE, founded 532 - 546 CE
138 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Israelites Murmuring Against Moses, Crossing of the Red Sea (Ex. 12)ca. 7th Century CE
139 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Joseph and the Second Journey of his Brothers (Gen 43:15, 32-34; Gen 44:1ff)ca. 7th Century CE
140 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Jacob's Blessing and Death (Gen 48:15; Gen 50:4-9, 13, 18)ca. 7th Century CE
141 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Compulsory Servitude of the Israelites in Egypt (Ex. 5)ca. 7th Century CE
142 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Oppression of the Israelites (Ex. 1-3)ca. 7th Century CE
143 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Joseph in Egypt and the First Journey of his Brothers (Gen 41:43, 47f; Gen 42:29-38)ca. 7th Century CE
144 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Jacob's Separation from and Reconciliation with Laban (Gen 31:33f; Gen 31:44-Gen 32:1)ca. 7th Century CE
145 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Plague of Egypt and Death of Firstborn (Ex. 11)ca. 7th Century CE
146 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Rebecca and her Twins (Gen 25:22-26, 29-34)ca. 7th Century CE
147 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Temple with Moses and the Israelitesca. 7th Century CE
148 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Lot and Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrahca. 7th Century CE
149 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Scenes of Creation (Genesis)ca. 7th Century CE
150 Calendar of 354: Portrait of Consul of the Year (the Caesar Gallus)Nicholas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc; Furius Dionysius Filocalus (original author)ca. after 1620 - 1629 CE; original manuscript 354 CE
126 - 150 of 190