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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Brownell, Alexander ArthurAn engineering approach to improve clinical usability of quantitative electromyographyElectromyography; electrophysiology; modeling; neuromuscular disease; quantitative EMG2011-05dissertation
2 Batchu, SatishAutomatic extraction of behavioral models from simulations of analog/mixed-signal (AMS) circuitsAMS; analog/mixed-signal; modeling; petri-net; simulation; verification2011-05thesis
3 Yoon, Dae ungDeveloping advanced methods for analysis and inversion of marine electromagnetic data in off-shore explorationelectromagnetic; inversion; modeling; synthetic aperture2016dissertation
4 Lucich, Stephen M.Modeling carbon dioxide emissions reductions for three commercial reference buildings in salt lake cityBuildings; energy efficiency; modeling; optimal; photovoltaics2015-05thesis
5 Smith, Duncan D.Plant architecture and the allometry of hydraulic transport, light interception and growthhydraulic conductance; light interception; Metabolic Scaling Theory; modeling; optimization; vascular architecture2015-08dissertation
6 Foster, Christopher StephenSimulation of a cold-air pool in Utah's Salt Lake Valleycold-air pool; land use; modeling; Salt Lake Valley; study; Utah2015-12thesis
7 Dworsky, KarenthTying rock properties from core to depositional processes and examining the relationship through forward seismic reflection modeling in the kaiparowits plateau, utahCretaceous; Kaiparowits; modeling; seismic; Utah2015-08thesis
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