1 - 25 of 16
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1 Columbia Optical Company - Old Store1912-10-21Imagedha_scp
2 Columbia Optical Company - Old Store1912-10-21Imagedha_scp
3 Computational diffractive optics for imaging and nonimaging applications2016Textir_etd
4 Daynes Optical Store Group1908-01-31Imagedha_scp
5 Multilevel diffractive optics for broadband applications2017Textir_etd
6 National Optical Company Office Interior1916-12-20Imagedha_scp
7 National Optical Company, Office1916-12-28Imagedha_scp
8 Optical neural interfaces for optogenetic interrogation2018Textir_etd
9 Optical systems to evaluate volume of medical samples in opaque test tubes2011-08Textir_etd
10 Patterning via optical saturable transitions2015-08Textir_etd
11 R.W. Daynes Optical Company employees.1880; 1881; 1882; 1883; 1884; 1885; 1886; 1887; 1888; 1889; 1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1898; 1899; 1900; 1901; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1941Imageuum_map
12 Super-resolution optical nanopatterning beyond the far-field diffraction limit using photochromic molecules and Absorbance Modulation Optical Lithography2018Textir_etd
13 Three-dimensional architecture for a parallel processing photosensing array1992Textir_uspace
14 Tunable-focus microfluidic lenses for smart eyeglasses2017Textir_etd
15 Ultrafast photophysics of π-conjugated polymers and polythiophene/fullerene blends for organic photovoltaic applicationsTextir_etd
16 Xenon polarizer characterization and biological studies2010Textir_etd
1 - 25 of 16