51 - 75 of 78
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
51 The Great Cone of JerusalemHelen Escobedo1986 CE
52 'La Poubelle: It's a Sort of Disease' and 'Garbage Walk'Felipe Ehrenberg1971 CE
53 10th Paris Youth BiennialGrupo Suma, Proceso Pentagono, and TAI1977 CE
54 AltarpieceGrupo Suma1977 CE
55 String ConditionFelipe Ehrenberg1973 CE
56 A Stroll in July (Un Paseo en Julio)Felipe Ehrenberg1970 CE
57 Excélsior: Article on Felipe EhrenbergMarch 9, 1973 CE
58 La Calle (The Street)Grupo Suma1979 CE
59 La Calle (The Street)Grupo Suma1979 CE
60 Poema Topográfico (Topographical Poem)Grupo Março1980 CE
61 Niñera Esperando NovioMagali Lara1980 CE
62 Mimeographed Paper Installation in an Area of 120 metersGrupo Março1982 CE
63 Caliente-Caliente; Armando Cristeto, 1982 (top); The Audience at the Performance od Caliente-Caliente; Armando Cristeto, 1982 (middle); Guillermo Ochoa interviews Maris Bustamante, Melquíades Herrera, Rubén Valencia and Carlos Zerpa on the televised program 'Today', 1982 (bottom)1982 CE
64 Invitation to the Março Grupo Exhibition at the CREA Art Gallery,Grupo MarçoNovember 1982 CE
65 Março, revista de arte (Art Magazine), no.6Grupo Março1982 CE
66 Expediente: La Historia Documentada de un Complot Frustado (File: The Documented History of a Plot Frustrated)Grupo Proceso Pentagono1980 CE
67 March in memory of those who died in Tlatelolco and to demand the presentation of the disappeared politiciansGrupo GerminalOctober 1978 CE
68 Installation at the 10th Paris Youth BiennialGrupo Proceso Pentagono1977 CE
69 La Grafica del 68: Homenaje al Movimiento Estudiantil (Tribute to the Student Movement)Grupo Mira1993 CE
70 Cover of 'Urbe: Super-Poema Bolchevique en 5 Cantos' (City: Super-Bolshevik Poem in Five Cantos) by Manuel Maples ArceJean Charlot1924 CE
71 Germán List Arzubide, Ramón Alba de la Canal, Manuel Maples Arce, Leopoldo Méndez and Arqueles Vela1925 CE
72 Máscara de Germán List Arzubide (Mask of Germán List Arzubide)Germán Cuetoca. 1924 CE
73 Actual No.1, Hoja de Vanguardia (First Manifest)Manuel Maples Arce1921 CE
74 Cover of Horizonte: Roofs of JalapaLeopold Méndez1926 CE
75 Cover of El PentagramaRamón Alba de la Canal
51 - 75 of 78