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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Batchu, SatishAutomatic extraction of behavioral models from simulations of analog/mixed-signal (AMS) circuitsAMS; Analog/mixed-signal; Modeling; Petri-net; Simulation; Verification2011-05thesis
2 Wagner, David RayCoal conversion experimental methods for validation of pressurized entrained-flow gasifier simulationCoal; Entrained flow; Gasification; Modeling; Pyrolysis; Wire-mesh reactor2013-12dissertation
3 Pierce, Matthew D.Design and optimization of a shape memory alloy actuated pump with thermofluidic feedbackModeling; Pumps; Shape memory alloys; Artificial heart pumps2011-05thesis
4 Smith, Constance TaylorEvaluating the hydrological impact of removing woody biomass for biofuel production through unsaturated zone modelingBiomass; Hydrological; Modeling; UNSAT-H; Unsaturated; Zone; Hydrologic sciences; Environmental engineering2017thesis
5 Kulkarni, Dhanashree R.Improved model generation and property specification for analog/mixed-signal circuitsAMS; Analog; Circuits; Formal verification; Mixed signal; Modeling2013-08thesis
6 Swan, Matthew ScotIncorporation of a general strain-to-failure fracture criterion into a stress-based plasticity model through a time-to-failure softening mechanismFracture; Modeling; Softening2012-05thesis
7 Richards, Alyssa MaglebyMeasurement and modeling of intravehicular channels for multiantenna communication3D ray tracing; Communication; Intravehicle; Modeling; Multiantenna; Sensor network; MIMO systems2011-05dissertation
8 Sarigul, Ihsan MertModel-based estimation of adiabatic flame temperature during coal gasificationChemCAD; Coal Gasification; Entrained Flow Gasifier; Modeling; Simulation2012-12thesis
9 Schroeder, Benjamin BrianScale-bridging model development and increased model credibilityModeling; Scale-Bridging; Uncertainty Quantification; Validation2015-08dissertation
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