176 - 200 of 321
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176 Kariye Camii (Church of St. Savior in Chora), narthex mosaic: Christ, Virgin, the crown prince Isaak Komnenos, and the nun Melanie (Deesis)Image
177 Kariye Camii (Church of St. Savior in Chora), outer narthex looking northImage
178 Kariye Camii (Church of St. Savior in Chora), reconstruction of south façadeImage
179 Kariye Camii (Church of St. Savior in Chora), south inner narthex dome mosaic: Christ and his Old Testament ancestors, pendentive mosaics: Christ's healing miraclesImage
180 Kariye Camii (Church of St. Savior in Chora), view of south façadeImage
181 Katholikon, apse over sanctuary, Virgin and ChildImage
182 Katholikon, central space, view from the northwestImage
183 Katholikon, view towards the eastImage
184 Khludov Psalter (Book of Psalms): Christ above seated DavidImage
185 Khludov Psalter (Book of Psalms): Daniel Prophesies about the Great MountainImage
186 Khludov Psalter (Book of Psalms): Patriarch Nikephoros and the Iconoclast Council of 815Image
187 Khludov Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 1Image
188 Khludov Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 2Image
189 Khludov Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 52, illustration of Simon Magus and Patriarch NikephorosImage
190 Khludov Psalter (Book of Pslams): Iconoclasts Whitewashing an Icon of Christ and a Crucifixion SceneImage
191 Leo Sakellarios Bible: Leo Offering his Bible to the VirginImage
192 Liturgical Homilies of Gregory of Nazianos: Ezekiel in the Valley of Dry BonesImage
193 Liturgical Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos: Gregory of NazianzosImage
194 Liturgical Homilies of Saint Gregory of Nazianzos: The AnastasisImage
195 Map of ConstantinopleImage
196 Map: Christian Basilicas of Constantinian RomeImage
197 Map: Constantinople in the Constantinian PeriodImage
198 Map: Constantinople in the early 4th centuryImage
199 Map: Empires and Spheres of InfluenceImage
200 Map: Plan of Constantinople during the Middle Byzantine PeriodImage
176 - 200 of 321