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1 Potential Dural Spaces (Labeled)Potential dural spaces.Brain; Arachnoid Mater; Epidural Space; Skull; Dura Mater; Subdural Space; Subarachnoid SpaceRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2 Mandible, inferior alveolar nerveMandible, inferior alveolar nerve. Painted skull model. Other or model. Photograph. Multimedia.Mandibular Nerve; Skull; Mandible; Central Nervous System; AnatomySlice of Life
3 Mastoid process, mastoid air cells, temporal boneMastoid process, mastoid air cells, temporal bone. Lateral view skull, closeup. Other or model. Photograph. Multimedia.Mastoid; Temporal Bone; Skull; Musculoskeletal System; AnatomySlice of Life
4 Orbit, close-upOrbit, close-upMusculoskeletal System; Skull; Orbit; Models, AnatomicSlice of Life
5 Mastoid air cellsMastoid air cellsMusculoskeletal System; Skull; Mastoid; Semicircular Canals; Models, AnatomicSlice of Life
6 Inferior alveolar nerve&vesselsInferior alveolar nerve&vessels. Mandible, dissected and prepared. Other or model, labeled. Photograph. Multimedia.Mandible; Skull; Musculoskeletal System; AnatomySlice of Life
7 Maxilla and skull lateral viewMaxilla and skull lateral viewMusculoskeletal System; Skull; Maxilla; Models, AnatomicSlice of Life
8 Skull and sella turcica, view of base of skull from interior. Good foraminaSkull and sella turcica, view of base of skull from interior. Good foramina. Other or model. Photograph. Multimedia.Skull; Sella turcica; Musculoskeletal system; AnatomySlice of Life
9 Skull ventral surfaceSkull ventral surface. Other or model. Photograph. Multimedia.Skull; Musculoskeletal system; AnatomySlice of Life
10 Skull ventral surfaceSkull ventral surface. Other or model. Photograph. Multimedia.Skull; Musculoskeletal System; AnatomySlice of Life
11 Palate, skull, closeupPalate, skull, closeup. Photograph. Multimedia.Palate; Skull; Musculoskeletal system; AnatomySlice of Life
12 BoneIntramembranous bone formation. In the fetal skull, plates of bone are laid down in the mesenchymal field. This image shows woven or immature bone, which tends to be more cellular than lamellar or adult bone. Osteoprogenitor cells differentiate into osteoblasts, which produce the osteoid or uncalcif...bone; Intramembranous bone formation; SkullUCLA Histology
13 BoneAt a later stage of the developing skull, note the differences in cell density and organization between the immature or woven bone and the mature or lamellar bone. Often a cementing line separates the two types of bone. UCLA Histology Collection.bone; lamellar bone; SkullUCLA Histology
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