76 - 100 of 789
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
76 Stiles, Bonnie-Dee Van BurenAttitudes and behaviors of husbands making the transition to fatherhood wives' viewsMaternity Nursing1975-06thesis
77 Wagner, Debra LynnAttitudes and beliefs of expectant women toward participation in rooming-inObject Attachment; Postnatal Care; Rooming-in Care1990-08thesis
78 Markle, Donna Marie WallwayAttitudes of nurses toward parents who abuse their childrenPediataric Nursing;Abusive Parents1974-06thesis
79 Davis, Carol Elizabeth EgliAttitudes of registered nurses towards the suicidal patientPsychiatric Nursing; Nurse-Patient Relations1964-06thesis
80 Hughes, Melanie CorbettAttitudes toward nurse practitioners among rural residentsUtah; Rural Health Services2005-05thesis
81 Fagerland, Kathleen Joy.Attitudes, beliefs, and significant others influencing the expectant woman's participation in childbirth education classesEducation; Utah; Psychology1987-08thesis
82 Mountcastle, Keitha KimbleAttitudes, satisfaction, and perceptions of newborn intensive care staff nurses about the role and performance of neonatal nurse practitioners.Nursing; Staff, Hospital; Pediatric Nursing1985-03thesis
83 Jones, Kathleen M.Attributional style as a predictor of bereavement outcomesBereavement in old age--Research; Depression in old age--Research1986-03thesis
84 Hill, Brent D.Automated pictograph enhancement of discharge instructions: impact on recall and satisfactionApplied sciences; health and environmental sciences; cardiology; consumer health informatics; discharge instructions; informatics; patient care; patient education2014-12dissertation
85 Rae, Lonieda E. EskelsonAxillary and rectal temperatures in females of varying agePhysiology; Pediatric Nursing1974-06thesis
86 Whetstone, Barbara Wright.The B+ program: a behavior modification program incorporated into a therapeutic milieu for emotionally disturbed children.Behavior Modification; Mentally Ill Children1977-08thesis
87 Lynch, Terese MarieBack transport of infants from neonatal intensive care units for convalescent care: is it safe?Necrotizing Enterocolitis; Apnea; Bradycardia1984-06thesis
88 Knox, Shirley Ann MorganBarriers to communication between nurses and patients as perceived by nursesNurse and Patient; Medicine1965-06thesis
89 Nisselius, Judith KayBehavioral assessment of the Navajo newbornNavajo; New Mexico; Newborn Behavioral Scales1976-06thesis
90 Hardy, Connie H.Behaviors of peers and supervisors as perceived by impaired nurse colleagues: a descriptive studyInterpersonal Relations; Rehabilitation; Social Perception; Adaptation, Psychological; Professional Impairment1987-08thesis
91 Colby, Tanya S.Beliefs and perceptions about childbirth of Utah first-time expectant fathersMidwife; Utah1996-12thesis
92 Fuchs, Deborah Ann, SisterBeliefs and perceptions about childbirth of Utah first-time expectant fathers.Childbirth; Father and Child; Utah1981-06thesis
93 Jacobs, Alana C.Benefit respresentative specialist initiation study.Mentally Disabled Persons; Mental Health Services2007-08dissertation
94 Martz, Camille (Kim)Bereaved family members' and hospice nurses' perspectives of transitions to and between residential facilities for the dying elderly2014-12dissertation
95 Colbert-O'Donnell, JeanieBereavement and the elderly: anticipatory griefLongitudinal Studies; Attitude to Death; Bereavement; Death; Grief1989-03thesis
96 Hannahs, Alice CarringtonBereavement in the elderly: perceived abilities to manage stress.Older people; Demographic Data1982-03thesis
97 Attermeier, Mary ElizabethBereavement in the elderly: spouse interaction as a modifying variable.Psychological; Older people1981-12thesis
98 Nietrzeba, Patricia MaguireBiological effects over time of mid-frequency, low current electrical fields on rat tissues.Impedance, Bioelectric; Physiological1981-06thesis
99 Wilson, Ursula Maria Knoki.Blood loss at delivery and serum calcium levels of Navajo women.Blood; Childbirth; Navajo Indians1997-06thesis
100 Brown, Nancy NealeBody temperatures in older adults.Older people; Physical Assessments1982-12thesis
76 - 100 of 789