1 - 25 of 16
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1 Air pollution and gastrointestinal diseases in Utah2016Text
2 Creep rupture behavior of transition weld joint between p91 steel and aisi 304 austenitic stainless steel2016Text
3 Developing advanced methods for analysis and inversion of marine electromagnetic data in off-shore exploration2016Text
4 Development of materials for ultraviolet plasmonics2016Text
5 Electrochemical concentration measurements for multianalyte mixtures in simulated electrorefiner salt2016Text
6 Experimental and validated modeling studies of electrolyte flow and anode slime behavior and transport in copper electrorefining2016Text
7 Fatigue behavior and mechanisms in powder metallurgy Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy2016Text
8 Functionalized titania nanotube arrays-based sensors for electrochemical detection of volatile organic biomarkers2016Text
9 Imaging the mantle structure of the earth and moon from array based observations2016Text
10 Modeling and simulation of the pore-scale multiphase fluid transport in shale reservoirs: a molecular dynamics simulation approach2016Text
11 Multiscale flow interactions in the complex terrain of northwestern utah2016Text
12 Processing and mechanical behavior of powder metallurgy (pm) ti-6al-4v alloy made from tih22016Text
13 Study of li-mg alloy and si powder anodes for li-ion batteries: experiments, neutron imaging and modeling2016Text
14 Temporal and spatial analyses of pressure perturbations from the usarray transportable array2016Text
15 Time-space variability of paralic depositional environments: emphasis on barrier island preservation and paleomorphodynamics2016Text
16 Wetting and interfacial water analysis of selected mineral surfaces as determined by molecular dynamics simulation and sum frequency vibrational spectroscopy2016Text
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