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1 Atypical Ophthalmoplegia in a Young NurseSaunders L. Hupp, MD; Lanning B. Kline, MD; Michael Cookston, MD; J. Powell Williams, MDA 33-year old female with a 14-year history of ptosis and diplopia.
2 Flight of Vision and Flight of Ideas: Transient Visual Obscurations and SchizophreniaDavid R. Hardten, MD; Dennis Y. Wen, MB, BS; Jonathan Wirtschafter, MD; Joo Ho Sung, MD; Stephen J. Haines, MDA 15-year old female with a 6-month history of pressure in her eyes and a 1-month history of transient visual obscurations. Previous history significant for paranoid schizophrenia controlled with antipsychotic agents.
3 Orbital Apex Mass Associated with Visual Blurring, Proptosis, and and Afferent Pupil DefectMartin M. Bednar, MD, PhD; John Duckworth, MD; William W. Pendlebury, MD; Cordell Gorss, MDA 55-year old male with blurred vision OD. Previous history significant for a distant ipsilateral closed-head and right-sided facial injury.
4 Painful Ophthalmoplegia - Much More Then Meets the EyeDeborah I. Friedman, MD; Steven E. Feldon, MD; Henry L. Hudson, BS; David R. Hinton, MDA 42-year old female with proptosis, blurred vision, painful ophthalmoplegia OD and headache. Previous history significant for left ptosis 8 years prior that resolved spontaneously.
5 The Pale Nerve in Apert's SyndromeMark S. Borchert, MD; Alfredo Sadun, MDAn 82-day old girl was referred for evaluation. Born at 31 weeks gestation, weight 1910 gram. Marked midfacial hypoplasia, syndactyly, patent ductus arteriosus, and ventricular septal defect Dx: Apert's syndrome.
6 A Progressive Cavernous Sinus Syndrome in a Young WomanMark L. Moster, MD; Nongnart Romayananda, MD; Te-hua Liu, MD; Robert Harwick, MD; Guy Chan, MD; Gregory Scimeca, MDA 37-year old female with horizontal binocular diplopia and left supra-orbital pain.
7 Painful External Ophthalmoplegia in a 15-Year OldWayne T. Cornblath, MD; Mark Rowe, MD; Victor Elner, MDA 15-year old male with a 2-month history of pain and binocular diplopia on gaze in any direction.
8 Isolated VI Nerve RevisitedFloyd A. Warren, MD; Mark J. Kupersmith, MDA 31-year old female with a 2-week history of diplopia.
9 To See or To Biopsy?Michael L. Slavin, MDA 65-year old male with left-sided headache and brow-ache. Previous history significant for diplopia and III nerve palsy.
10 All in the FamilySteven A. Newman, MD; Scott R. Vandenberg, MDA 35-year old male with painless, decreasing visual acuity.
11 Graver Grave's OphthalmopathySusan C. Benes, MDA 54-year old female with intermittent eyelid swelling of the upper and lower lids.
12 Expanding the ConceptKarl C. Golnik, MD; Neil R. Miller, MDA 57-year old male with lethargy and depression, decreasing vision and diplopia.
13 Recurrent Bilateral Retrobulbar Neuritis and Separate Unilateral Orbital MassesJoel G. Sacks, MD; Dwight R. Kulwin, MD; Edward M. Baron, MDA 35-year old white woman with a history of repeated attacks of visual loss and a mass in the left orbit.
14 Acute Visual Loss in a 19 Year Old MaleLee Shettle, DO; Robert F. Lindberg, DO; Jon D. Fratkin, MD; David I. Kaufman, DOA 19-year old male with a sudden loss of vision OD with severe retro-orbital eye pain, frontal headache, nausea and vomiting.
15 Lethargy and Visual Loss in a ChildJonathan Silbiger, MD; John R. Guy, MDA 5-year-old female with left eye pain.
16 Another Cause of PapilledemaJoseph R. Gussler, MD; Avrom D. Epstein, MD; Robert S. Baker, MDA 28-year old male with headache and declining vision.
17 Contralateral Optic Neuropathy Flollowing Adenoid Cystic CarcinomaNancy J. Newman, MDA 44-year old female with painless, progressive loss of vision OD over a 2-week period. Previous history significant for thyroidectomy for removal of a benign nodule, tonsillectomy, appendectomy, two cesarean sections and heart arrhythmia. Prior to presentation, a diagnosis of adenoid carcinoma of t...
18 Progressive Cortical BlindnessJacqueline Winterkorn, MD, PhD; N. Epstein, MD; P. Farmer, MD; P. Ragone, MD; S. Teichberg, MDA 68-year old female with a 6-month history of progressive loss of vision.
19 Death From Recurrent? Neuromyelitis Optica?Joel M. Weinstein; Gabrielle ZuRhein; Sunita Chandra; Mary Zupanc; Lindell Gentry; Terrance McCannaA 7-year old male with bilateral leg weakness and loss of vision OS.
20 Pseudotumor Cerebri ReconsideredSteve Hamilton, MD; Simmons Lessell, MDA 12-year old female who was one of fraternal twins whose mother was a narcotics addict. At 3 months surgery performed to correct lambdoidal craniosynostosis. At 11 amblyopia note.
21 Visual Loss Following Craniotomy for Obstructive HydrocephalusRobert F. Saul, MD; S. E. Thurston, MD; R. C. Sergott, MDA 30-year old female with bilateral loss of vision associated with position change; Headache
22 Cases presented at the NANOS 1991 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
23 MR Diagnosis of a Cerebellar MassSophia M. Chung, MD; Elizabeth Levy, MD; John B. Selhorst, MDA 38-year old male with transient obscurations OD occurring several times a day with subsequent similar involvement OS. Physical examination significant for enlarged head size.
24 Pediatric Pseudotumor Cerebri?Mitchell J. Wolin, MD; Sally Harding, MDA 4-year old male with papilledema and a 2-week history of nausea and vomiting.
25 Acromegaly with Visual LossJoseph F. Rizzo, MD; Neal Snebold, MDA 56-year old man with protruding right eye. Previous history significant for kidney calculi.
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